Author Topic: .44 mag velocity  (Read 528 times)

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Offline swampthing

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.44 mag velocity
« on: February 16, 2006, 02:25:53 AM »
Got to the range the other day. 12" .44mag encore and a dose of AA#9 with my 280g LBT's gave 1400 fps and basically one ragged hole groups at fifty yds. I want to try a little faster burning powder to get the velocities down to about 1250 or so. AA#5 gave me 1225fps but unburned powder in barrel and 2'' groups arn't going to cut it. I am going to try to load up a little more with the #5 to see if I can get uniformity.
It's funny, my SRH liked both of these loads but, I think they are not enough to get uniformity out of the fixed chamber, strange I thought it would be the other way around.
Anybody use similar combo with a faster pistol powder?

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.44 mag velocity
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2006, 03:02:41 AM »
I haven't tried it with the .44, but BlueDot is a fine mid-range powder in most magnum cases, and it typically gives me great accuracy.  Alliant lists it for 300 grain bullets with a max load at just over 1100 fps in a revolver; you should get well over that in a 12" T/C with the lighter cast bullet.  BlueDot typically burns pretty clean, although it doesn't meter quite as well as the Accurate ball powders do.

Offline swampthing

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.44 mag velocity
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2006, 05:13:56 AM »
I just got back from the range with the #5. I used a half a grain heavier charge then before and tried some cci300 non magnum primers, maybe it was just me but 1260fps average and roughly a 1'' group at 50yds, ooh yahh, recoil is very controllable and the accuracy is fine.
I also loaded some up with the same charge but used WLP primers, accuracy was close but there was a little more unburned powder in the barrel, velocity was 1285fps. Strange.