Author Topic: history, right here before our eyes......  (Read 795 times)

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Offline buckweet

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history, right here before our eyes......
« on: March 21, 2003, 05:29:12 PM »
you guys staying glued to your t/v screens ??? all

Offline 1911crazy

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Re: history, right here before our eyes......
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2003, 02:25:36 AM »
Quote from: buckweet
you guys staying glued to your t/v screens ??? all

Buckweet how ya doing??? Where ya been???
YES I was watching the war!!! I feel very bad for the lives lost already. My prayers go out for the families and the ones still fighting. Its not over there yet I don't trust the sand fleas at all they still could do something bad to our troops. I hope its over soon too. And I was wondering when all those military surps are comming here. I'm looking for Buckweets truck over there picking up the surplus stuff only dropped in the sand once sale??                                                             BigBill

If your ever truckin this way let me know we will get together and do some plinkin for sure??

Offline savageT

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history, right here before our eyes......
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2003, 02:50:45 AM »
Hey Big Bill,

Speaking of the Iraqi Sand Fleas, what are the infantry troops issued for weapons....AK's?  Funny thing, in southern Iraq I see alot of white flags but no weapons....................
savageT........Have you hugged a '99 lately?

Of all the things I've lost in my life, I miss my mind the most.

Offline Jack Crevalle

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history, right here before our eyes......
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2003, 03:08:48 AM »
Speaking of the Iraqi Sand Fleas, what are the infantry troops issued for weapons....AK's? Funny thing, in southern Iraq I see alot of white flags but no weapons....................

I was just watching Fox News, they have a coorespondent riding with an armoured column. One of the in-studio infobabes was asking about resistance and the cooresondent related a story about the previous night when a small group of Iraqi soldiers decided to put up a fight. The coorespondent said they were armed with AK47's.

Then he said that, stangely, they chose to use the AK47's to a attack a Bradley Fighting Vehicle.

I just about spewed my coffee, and so did some of the people in the studio.

Offline 1911crazy

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history, right here before our eyes......
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2003, 03:16:12 AM »
Quote from: savageT
Hey Big Bill,

Speaking of the Iraqi Sand Fleas, what are the infantry troops issued for weapons....AK's?  Funny thing, in southern Iraq I see alot of white flags but no weapons....................

Yes i think there AK's and Buckweets over there already picking them up I hope he's telling them its for the scrap metal. i hope he is getting the ammo too did you see the cases of ammo the seals found(steel tins) on the news? I thought they were in my gun room at first??(just kidding) I also seen some different guns our guys had no the usual M16's they looked like bigger 308's. In the late 80's I built 155MM Howitzers for the US Army they are using them again in this war too besides in '91. They have 30 mile range and 55 gallon drum accuracy. I would love to have one on my front lawn they are awesome. You just never know nowadays when you want to reach out and touch someone upclose and personal with a 155??                                               BigBill

I like to have them for toys, for fun, not war, for plinkin?

Offline buckweet

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still watchin yer t/v ???
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2003, 06:03:49 PM »
yup,,just got back frome picking up sand scrap...........
ak/47' !!!
wish i was.. i could haul a bunch of them !!!
my prayers are with our boy's over there...
bigbill..if i can..i'll shure stop in and see you,,