If you have a dovetail mounted rear sight the rear sight removes from the left to the right when looking at the rifle from behind. To remove I use a brass welding rod (3/16?) and flatten the end on the anvil. The grind the sides down a bit and make the face flat. File a slight curve on the punch and keep it's length down to 4-5 inches or so. Flattening the end work hardens the brass and makes it stand up better. Place the rifle on a flat padde surface with no yeild. It must not move away as the punch is struck. I use a fairly light hammer and place the punch on the sights left side. Strike firmly but not overly hard. Repeat a bit harder if needed. If the sight moves all is well. If trouble is encountered apply a bit of KROIL to the dovetail interface area and give it overnight to work. Keep the oil off the inpact area of the sight.. Keys--Rifle rested solidly, punch placed flat and fimrly, stike with authority, a little prayer helps sometiumes!! Good luck,.,