I think that advise is good & I don't buy that model.
It seems that with any company that has multiple lines of products to target different price ranges, well it is tough to be the best in each catagory. Doesn't matter if it is scopes, rifles, boats, cars, trucks you name it & some companies will excell in one price range & be less desirable in others. Look at Remington for example. The Sendero is one
of the most accurate factory rifles that you can buy, but when they wanted
to get in the lower rifle price range with the 710, well I would not buy one at any price. It is that way with most industries & this is why I will NOT be
married to any brand scope, car or anything else.
I believe that Leupold makes some of the best high end scopes you can buy. And like Greybeard himself has said, in the mid range or upper mid range if you will , the VXII is one of the best if not the best values in THAT price range. I use Leupolds on some of my guns & allways will, but it's the
models that offer me something & not just because of the L word & the Golden Ring.
But concerning the Subject of this post, the VXI vs the Buckmaster, especially the new Buckmaster, the Buckmaster kicks it's butt in about
every way as Jason280 accurately pointed out. And for sure, I would get the new version. In that price range, I just don't see the why of the Leupold, it's OK, but others are better. And in Varmit Scopes, the New Buckmasters 4X14 Mil Dot is getting rave reviews everywhere. I plan on
ordering 2 soon.