Aaro: did you clean the barrel first, or just start shooting it. If new it still might have had crud in the barrel. I have started using Wipe Out for cleaning and now I swear by it. Next, make sure your action screws are tight. You might also take a look at the barrel crown to make sure there are no nicks that will affect accuracy. Shoot three, three shot groups and take note of where each bullet strikes the target. Mark it down on a piece of paper beside you as you shoot. If you end up with a pattern, say two shots almost touching in the same position and one up and to the right each time after proper cooling between shots and groups, then you more than likely have bedding problems. This can be eliminated through something as simple as freefloating the barrel with a wooden dowel and sandpaper, or it could mean glassbedding the action area. If your barrel is already freefloated now, it could mean you need a small upward pressure point in the barrel channel near the end of the forearm. Hope some of this helps. Tom Purdom