King, I also went to K'zoo this past weekend. What a show! It should be mandatory for all kids from 4, to 90. Although I'm not a builder, I did wage a successful campaign to enrich my collection. I bought a beautiful rifle from Mike Meese. It's a Berks County pattern, in .45 caliber, single set trigger. He really does an outstanding job on his rifles. I hope you got to see some of his rifles.
Strangest thing, though. When I went in, I kept hearing this little voice that said, "Buy me. Buy me." I looked around, moved as the voice got louder, and "voila", the rifle I couldn't wait to hold and buy. Like the old soldier saying, "Move to the sound of the deals (or was that guns?)!"
Can't wait now to get it out to the range, and run some powder and balls through it.