I don't think I've shot the Winchester load, but most factory 300gr loads are at or below Trapdoor level. Which hand are you getting the knuckles banged on? I assume its the off-hand, about the middle or ring finger getting raped by the tang of the trigger guard. Leather shooting gloves help but repositioning the hand is the key. I used to have a bad habit of laying my middle finger of the off hand around the outside of the tang. OUCH!!!! After lots of band-aids, blood loss, and considerable unclassified disscussion w/ self, I finally learned to put finger elsewhere. And yes, it was the 45-70 that drove this lesson home. Even with my rather small fingers there's not enough room behind the tang for the off hand fingers to fit either. Putting the middle finger there gets a good rap squarely on the knuckle. I leave my index finger out straight, and cup the rest of them around my trigger hand but below the tang. If you haven't done so already, this is a good place to introduce the Pachmeyer Decelerator Grip(assuming Contender rather than Encore here). GOOD SHOOTIN', Walt :grin: