Author Topic: Hey, Mikey!!  (Read 949 times)

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Offline Charlie Detroit

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Hey, Mikey!!
« on: March 09, 2003, 06:46:26 AM »
It snowed! I actually got to used my big honkin' snowblower twice! Wow! Milwaukee, has been sitting here all winter while the big snowstorms go by either north or south of us (and not by much, either!) wondering when the anvil was gonna drop. Well it finally did. In the past week (actually about 4 days) we've gotten about 6"-8" of snow...Of course, we're still about 15" behind our "normal".
I ain't paranoid but every so often, I spin around real quick.--just in case
Sometimes I have a gun in my hand when I spin around.--just in case
I ain't paranoid, but sometimes I shoot when I spin around.--just in case

Offline Spencer

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Hey, Mikey!!
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2003, 01:50:52 AM »
:D well, If you like snow, we can send you some of ours.  It is snowing right now, 4-6" predicted on top of what we have already gotten.  We are about 20" above normal right now at 139.5" officialy for the year.  And that is nothing compared to what the Tug Hill Plateu north of us in central NY has gotten this year.  :grin:

Waiting for spring in central NY
A bad day of hunting is better than a good day at the golf course.

Offline Mikey

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Hay Charlie
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2003, 04:14:22 AM »
Don't forget to spray your throwing chute and impellers with either a little WD-40 or some spray cooking oil - keeps the snow from sticking and building up.  But Gee Charlie, with only 6-8 inches of snow out there it may not be too bad.

I dunno Charlie, all the weather forecasters are still blaming all of this on that poor little Spanish kid, the Nino.  Give him a break.  We're getting our normal upstate NY winter, although as Spencer puts it, our snowfall this year is way above average.  One of our central NY areas was so badly hit they featured the town on The Morning Show.  

Well Charlie, I think it's going to be over soon.  Our temperatures here are starting to hang around normal for this time of the year and the most recent snows we have had were of the 'nuisance' variety, without much accumulation.  Only two more weeks to go before Spring is sprung and I'm hoping for the tank top and short skirt weather to follow shortly thereafter.  I mean hay, we upstaters didn't close up our swimming pools until the deep freeze set it and as soon as the ice melts it's bathing suit weather, maybe.

Don't hurt yourself with that snowthrower.  Mikey.

Offline Charlie Detroit

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Hey, Mikey!!
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2003, 12:14:10 PM »
Spring, huh?
Coming from here in the Midwest, I've learned that Spring usually leaves a lot to be desired, as expressed by the following haiku:

Chill rains, absent sun,
Snow in the middle of May:
Spring, Midwestern-style.

Damn place usually turns to mud, and frezzes you to the marrow until we get ONE day that's really nice (one year we had TWO!), and then after that the only moisture we get is HUMIDITY! and it turns hot enough to blister a brick.
I ain't paranoid but every so often, I spin around real quick.--just in case
Sometimes I have a gun in my hand when I spin around.--just in case
I ain't paranoid, but sometimes I shoot when I spin around.--just in case

Offline Mikey

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« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2003, 03:49:07 AM »
Charlie:  ever thought of the desert southwest, or maybe some of the gulf states, or possibly even a very large bowl of real hot Texas chili?  How about some of that Evan water the fellas have been talking about at the 3rd or 4th annual shootemup?  

Hmmm, your weather doesn't sound all that great.  Here however, when springtime finally comes along, we usually have to wait for the northern girls to shed their winter coats before we can see what they look like.  It can get pretty gnarly sometimes, lemme tellya.  Gee, all along I thought you folks up there were moderate, sort of like the weather - guess not, huh?  Mikey.

Offline Charlie Detroit

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Hey, Mikey!!
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2003, 03:24:54 AM »
Oh, we're moderate, the weather ain't... We gotta be moderate, facin' weather like this, else we gets too upset an' angry.
I and the wife went out on Saturday to drop in at a rondy-voo up by Sheboygan, and the weather had done one of those Wisconsin things: it was around 60° and sunny, and after the bunch of snow we just had, you can guess what happened...They had about 5-6 tents (nobody else would come out) and pitched on a north-facing slope. There was about 6" of water with little snowbergs floating in it around the bases of the tents; they had previously plowed the slope downward (who wants all that snow melting and running down into the campground?), so there was a sizable dam of unmelted snow at the bottom of the hill, retaining the runoff very nicely. Them folks musta been sleepin' on pontoons! Under the water and on any stretch of bare soil and (once) grass was a good 3"-6" of good ol' Wisconsin MUD! Wisconsin, especially here in the southeast, is covered by what the podologists call greatlakean till, which is a glacial deposit of rockflour (CLAY!). When you walk across almost any open area in the Spring, you're lucky to make it with your shoes. If you do make it, it's a guarantee that your shoes will be many sizes larger than when you started.
We stood at the top edge of the campground, and my wife, who has a little trouble staying on her feet anyway, said "I'm not going into that." Music to my ears! I had been pondering my best response and she expressed it perfectly! So we spent the rest of the day driving 'round SE Wisconsin and having a pretty good time.
I ain't paranoid but every so often, I spin around real quick.--just in case
Sometimes I have a gun in my hand when I spin around.--just in case
I ain't paranoid, but sometimes I shoot when I spin around.--just in case

Offline Mikey

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Wisconsin Mud
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2003, 03:31:38 AM »
Charlie:  Interesting thing about folks who have been married for a while - they begin to think alike.  It sounds like your wife had the right idea and was just waiting for you to agree.  It also sounds like you had a better time driving around than trying to find your shooes in the mud.  

Rockflour:  I have never heard that term before in reference to 'clay'.  We just call it 'clay', or mud when it starts to get bad.  When the dogs bring it into the house on their feet, I call it something else but, I'm learning.  Have a good one.  Mikey.

Offline Charlie Detroit

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Hey, Mikey!!
« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2003, 02:01:16 AM »
The geologists call it rockflour, but the term may be inappropriate after it's been settled down for a while; glaciers make the stuff as they grind the rocks they're carrying against the ones they're moving across. You've probably seen pictures at least of terminal meltwater lakes at the foot of glaciers that are almost white? That's suspended rockflour. When it's deposited mostly by water, it becomes clay, when the deposit is æolian (wind), it's usually called löss (German word), and is responsible for those crazy-looking mountains that Chinese artists have been painting for centuries; it's not a stylization, they really do look like that. The stuff has incredibly steep angles of repose, in fact the term may be totally inappropriate; it makes for lots of overhangs, cliffs, etc. It's pretty soft; not really rock, not really soil.
The stuff we call clay really is; I've made little pots out of wet stuff just picked up off the ground; of course, you have to be sure to get all the organic matter out or it burns out in the kiln, leaving holes. Also, since it has no coarsely-ground pre-fired clay mixed in, it has a regrettable tendency to explode in the kiln because it's not able to vent itself.
There I go, rattling on again...that's the trouble with getting old; you act like an old person, and annoy people.
'Til next time.......
I ain't paranoid but every so often, I spin around real quick.--just in case
Sometimes I have a gun in my hand when I spin around.--just in case
I ain't paranoid, but sometimes I shoot when I spin around.--just in case

Offline Mikey

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« Reply #8 on: March 18, 2003, 10:10:13 AM »
Charlie:  that's interesting and you've told me things I never knew.  Dad!  Where ya been alla these years.  

Gee Charlie, it's funny that youmentioned that clay explodes in the kiln because it can't vent.  We never knew why, but we used to place fist sized balls of clay at the bottom of the firepit when we would have a cookout, just to watch the sparks fly when the fire finally got down to where it would heat them up.  Of course, we also used to hide unopened cans of beer in the same places.  We were so bad back then but, we had so much fun.

Now, I guess that if you wanted to put an M-80 or a few grains of black powder in the middle of the ball, you could really have some fun.  Maybe I should try that first, from a distance, ya think?  Mikey.

Offline Charlie Detroit

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Hey, Mikey!!
« Reply #9 on: March 19, 2003, 03:21:43 AM »
Definitely from a distance, althiugh at the temps that would set off BP, it's not likely that the clay would have vitrified, still, the chunks could really hurt.
Yep, that quality of my personality has always caused comment, some of it good, some of it bad. When people bring up a question that I know something about, I go into "automatic information dump" mode, and drive people nuts, at least some of the time. I think I was born a garrulous old man. It's lucky I can't type as well as BW, or this forum would get overloaded. It also doesn't help much that my IQ tests out at the 93rd percentile, so I've got LOTS of miscellaneous information stowed a door and it pours out. (That 93rd percentile might have been a fluke; all the tolerances stacking in one direction, but the figure is high, whatever it is.) The old American question comes up often: "If you're so smart, why ain't you rich?" and my answer is, "Damned if I know." I think it's something to do with drive. I ain't got much, except to find out even more useless information. Ah, well...I don't mind much where I'm going, as long as it's entertaining. A short life, but a merry one.
I ain't paranoid but every so often, I spin around real quick.--just in case
Sometimes I have a gun in my hand when I spin around.--just in case
I ain't paranoid, but sometimes I shoot when I spin around.--just in case

Offline Mikey

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Naw Charlie
« Reply #10 on: March 20, 2003, 03:50:32 AM »
Ya need to make it a longer life and keep storing up all those miscellaneous facts that you can entertain your grandchildren and friends with.  I too have the tendency to sxplain 'everything' when someone pops the cork on a topic I'm familiar with, especially working in a human service agency with a  bunch of social workers and libruls when I'm the only veteran, counterinsurgency experienced veteran, gun owner, shooter and all around Republican.  But, wouldya believe they never listen.  Oh well.  

I saw something on the net the other day about a bunch of anti-war activists from here and europe going to Iraq to volunteer as human sheilds and to bring their cameras with them in the hopes that with all the cameras and human sheilds the US wouldn't bomb them.  They wanted to sheild places like schools and hospitals, which are not on the target list unless they have AA batteries on them.  Apparently they became upset when the Iraqi gov't wanted them to sheild oil refineries and power stations, and left Iraq feeling somewhat 'put-upon' by the 'dictatorial' style of the government officials.  Gee, what do ya think, the guy's a dictator or something?  

Gee man, the 93rd percentile is way the heck up there.  You must have amassed an incredible amount of knowledge over the years, which is how they measure those things.  You should feel pretty dang good about yourself.  And, who says ya ain't rich - it isn't always measured by the amount of pocket change you carry around or how many toys you can afford to buy in a week, there are may other ways to measure wealth.

Financially, the demicraps will consider you wealthy to the point of overtaxing you if you make five bucks more than a welfare recipient does.  I mean, after all,, just because you're gainfully employed doesn't mean you can enjoy it all for yourself, ya'll gotta give a bunch back to those who live off the system.  I mean (again), that's where their votes come from and they need to support their constituency (off your hardworkin' back).  I just love it when the dems want to raise the minimum wage to bring 'everybody' up to the same economic level - whoa ya bunch of idjits, ya'll gotta give more than credit, ya'll gotta give 'just due' to those who have gone the distance to raise themselves above the average - dems just don't see it that way.  That only becomes our problem when some buncha idjits elect them.  

I considered myself wealthy to have a wonderful wife and a warm home to come back to every day (when I wasn't spending overnights on travel for the job in some crummy hotel).  I still have my home, but there's a lot missing now yet I still consider myself wealthy for having the experience.  

And you're right, it shouldn't matter too much where we're headed, so long as it's in the right direction and we have a whole buncha fun along the way.  Which reminds me, the snow is melting and I might be able to gain access to the rifle range this weekend - hmmmm, things are lookin' up already.  Thanks Charlie, ya'll take care.  Mikey. :-D