Ya need to make it a longer life and keep storing up all those miscellaneous facts that you can entertain your grandchildren and friends with. I too have the tendency to sxplain 'everything' when someone pops the cork on a topic I'm familiar with, especially working in a human service agency with a bunch of social workers and libruls when I'm the only veteran, counterinsurgency experienced veteran, gun owner, shooter and all around Republican. But, wouldya believe they never listen. Oh well.
I saw something on the net the other day about a bunch of anti-war activists from here and europe going to Iraq to volunteer as human sheilds and to bring their cameras with them in the hopes that with all the cameras and human sheilds the US wouldn't bomb them. They wanted to sheild places like schools and hospitals, which are not on the target list unless they have AA batteries on them. Apparently they became upset when the Iraqi gov't wanted them to sheild oil refineries and power stations, and left Iraq feeling somewhat 'put-upon' by the 'dictatorial' style of the government officials. Gee, what do ya think, the guy's a dictator or something?
Gee man, the 93rd percentile is way the heck up there. You must have amassed an incredible amount of knowledge over the years, which is how they measure those things. You should feel pretty dang good about yourself. And, who says ya ain't rich - it isn't always measured by the amount of pocket change you carry around or how many toys you can afford to buy in a week, there are may other ways to measure wealth.
Financially, the demicraps will consider you wealthy to the point of overtaxing you if you make five bucks more than a welfare recipient does. I mean, after all,, just because you're gainfully employed doesn't mean you can enjoy it all for yourself, ya'll gotta give a bunch back to those who live off the system. I mean (again), that's where their votes come from and they need to support their constituency (off your hardworkin' back). I just love it when the dems want to raise the minimum wage to bring 'everybody' up to the same economic level - whoa ya bunch of idjits, ya'll gotta give more than credit, ya'll gotta give 'just due' to those who have gone the distance to raise themselves above the average - dems just don't see it that way. That only becomes our problem when some buncha idjits elect them.
I considered myself wealthy to have a wonderful wife and a warm home to come back to every day (when I wasn't spending overnights on travel for the job in some crummy hotel). I still have my home, but there's a lot missing now yet I still consider myself wealthy for having the experience.
And you're right, it shouldn't matter too much where we're headed, so long as it's in the right direction and we have a whole buncha fun along the way. Which reminds me, the snow is melting and I might be able to gain access to the rifle range this weekend - hmmmm, things are lookin' up already. Thanks Charlie, ya'll take care. Mikey. :-D