Glad to hear you got your dog back. I would have been a basket case.
My yellow lab goes everywhere with me -- to the range, to babysit the grandkids, to the bank, grocery store, to the archery range, fishing, 2 walks a day, I even took her elk hunting last year (blaze yellow/orange vest and all).
Had a real interesting experience at the outdoor archery range a couple of years back. It's a walking course with 28 targets on the front side and the same on the back side. It's out in the boonies -- elk, moose, deer are not at all uncommon. One morning, I had worked my way around the course, and my lab was out "exploring" as usual, when all of the sudden she came running thru the timber like she was being chased by something. When she broke thru the timber, I saw something fairly large and black chasing her. Thinking "BEAR", I threw down my bow, and started to drag out the 396 that I always carry, when I realized it was just a big rotweiler -- we were fairly close to the parking area, and my lab is a dog magnet. As it turned out, the dogs were just playing. Had a real adreneline rush there for a minute.