Author Topic: SKSs  (Read 1351 times)

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Offline Mikey

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« on: December 03, 2002, 08:31:06 AM »
Hay BigBill:  I have a Chinaman's SKS with a front sight problem like that but mine came with one of those red plastic twist it sight adjusters.  Mine shot low and I automatically raised the rear sight.  A couple of boxes of ammo later I said 'Duh', why don't I just lower the front sight -uh huh, duh?  It worked for me.  I have a couple of those little beauts - one is an old bring back with pits in the chamber - shoots S&B steel case very well.  The other is a true Chinama's SKS - unlined bore and all.  But, they're fun.  How ya been?????  Mikey here.

Offline Bigdog

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« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2002, 06:26:49 AM »
Bigbill, in a pinch a blackpowder nipple wrench will work on SKS/AK front sights elevation.

I had a Norinco several years back, and sold it much to my regret.  Got a Romy AK, but it just ain't the same.
Got a Yugo M59/66 several months ago, and I love it.  With a scope and a steel bipod (this thing's heavy!) I call it my "Poorman's M1A".   :lol:

Finally got another Norinco, and have shot it enough to be pleased with it.  I plan to really wring it out this weekend.  It seems to like the cheap Wolf stuff, that my Yugo doesn't like.  The Yugo likes the pricier UMC commercial ammo.   8)