While, my 308 handi is still the factory length, I do have and hunted alot with a Remington 600 and a Remington 7600 police (308 16 1/2 inch barrel). I have been more than pleased with the performance of both of these rifles. The longest shot on a deer so far has been about 175 yards (Remington 600, 3x9 Luepold, 150 grain Sierra SBT and IMR 4064 powder) which is a long shot for where I hunt the deer dropped where it stood. The only negative I have noted is an increased muzzle blast but you really don't notice it while hunting. The wound channels are show no real difference that I can tell from an animal shot with a 22" barrel. Another benefit from properly shortening a barrel is accuracy is often improved due to the increased stiffness of the barrel. They are real easy to get through the woods with and very handy in a tree stand or blind. The handi would be only better since it would be that much shorte. You have got me thinking, let us know how your project turns out