Author Topic: A PERSONAL EXPERIENCE  (Read 732 times)

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Offline williamlayton

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« on: April 23, 2006, 01:18:46 AM »
This is not a story to tell of any any personal bravados on my part or elicit any compilments. It is a situation which caused a decision and has made me re-think and I pass it on for infomation only.
Recently I was driving down a residential street, here in my town, about 7:30 AM, just going my own way.
I passed thru a traffic signal, I caught the light for once in my life. In doing so I passed another truck which had stopped for the signal. I moved pass the truck without notice of the occupant and after clearing it I signaled and moved from the left to the right lane.
A short period of time and distance passed and the truck speeded up abruptly, about 10/15 MPH above the posted speed, changed lanes and passed me.
As the truck passed me it changed lanes abruptly, almost hitting my truck. It then bounced off the curb, regained control and applied its brakes suddenly, coming to a complete stop in front of me.
I stopped about two lengths behind the truck.
As I sat there, I wondered what was going on, this took about 5 seconds I guess, when the door to the truck opened. I could only assume a confrontation.
I had two weapons available. My usual pocket PPK .380 and my Sig p220 .45, both in the console beside me. I chose the .45 and dialed the police as I sat there waiting for someone to emerge from the truck.
Out of the truck came a older lady with a cane. I put away the weapon and got out. It seems as though she had suffered a diabetic shock and was very disoriented.
Between me, a wrecker which stopped and another lady who had also stopped we summoned police and the EMS and the lady was taken to the hospital.
The purpose of the story is that this situation, which fotunately worked itself out, made me make a decision. I think that I would have felt a little more nervous if the only choice I had was the .380 and, though I still have the weapon, I have lost some confidence in it, for some reason which I cannot understand.

Offline rockbilly

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« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2006, 05:48:05 AM »
:roll: I carry the big bore (220) because you never know what the other guy has in their vehicle.  I just don't want to be out guned.  With so many people being in a hurry, and thinking ever other driver is out to get them road rage in common.  Most of the folks that go into rage are beyond reason, and talk will normally do no good.  If I have to face one of these idots, I want as big a gun and much ammo as I can legally have.  Around town, or out to the farm it may be a model 60 .357 with five extra rounds.  On the road, or to the big city, and I pack a 220 and Mossberg with 8 rounds of 00 buck, I sometimes take a Mauser HSc for the wife if I have to leave the vehicle.  You never know when it might be necessary to save the bacon.

As for the incident you experienced, you did the right thing.  If someone stops like the lady did, never get out of your vehicle.  Lock the door and roll the window down slightly to converse with them, get on the phone and call the police and hope you don't have to shoot before they get there. :shock:

Offline papajohn428

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« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2006, 06:54:01 AM »
I've had to deal with a few road-ragers, where they pulled in front of me and stopped.  I instinctively checked my mirrors and backed up as far as I could, then got the weapon out and dialed the cops.  (Even when I was one.)  All incoming calls are recorded, and if the feces hit the wind machine, I want it on tape EXACTLY what was said and what happened.  I never thought I needed a cell phone until I broke down and got one.  No matter where I go, I always try to have a pistol, a knife, and a cell phone handy!  Cheap insurance, and I've lost count of the times one or more came in handy!

If you can shoot home invaders, why can't you shoot Homeland Invaders?