Well, I'm sorry if I offend anyone (probably not on the single action forum) but I feel the Super Redhawk has to be the ugliest gun every made. Ok, the engineering is good, I'll give them that, but I wouldn't buy one no matter what they chambered it in. If Ruger wants their .480 to become popular, they need to chamber it in something that doesn't look like a 1948 Dodge Powerwagon! It's kind of like a dress company sewing a wonderful, sexy evening dress then hiring Janet Reno to model it for them! On the other hand, if they were to build a Blackhawk in .480 (are you listening, Ruger?) I'd buy one in a minute! As it is now, I guess I will just have to keep saving for another Freedom Arms and send my money to them instead of Ruger. 44 Man.