I have the exact same set up.
When I first got mine I couldnt hit much with it, after about a years worth of trying different loads and slicking up the action via reduced power trigger and hammer springs, polishing the trigger, sear, hammer, and transfer bar contact points, and replacing the base pin with one that wouldnt fly out. I am now really happy with it.
So far my most accurate load is a sierra 240 jhp over 20 gr. H110. If I do my part with a good rest, it will tear one ragged hole at 50yrds. It did take me alot of work to get there though, mostly my reloading techniques were where I was lacking. Live and learn I guess.
I havent had the chance to kill anything with it yet, other than a very unlucky grouse. Hopefully this year it will put some venison on the table.