Well, I'm done for the spring season in KY. Shot my second bird on Friday morning. He was 23 lbs, 11 1/2" beard, 1 1/2" spurs. A decent bird. I shot him at 32 yards with the 10 Gauge SB2 and kicks GT .690 tube. I'm using a BSA Red Dot scope. I had the scope on 2 power, but by the time the bird presented a shot, I guess the sun had gotten brighter and the dot didn't show-up any longer. Had to slowly switch it to 5 power and make the shot. He went down hard and never moved again (this has never happened for me...they usually flop for a few seconds). While I was cleaning my bird at the farm house...I happened to look down toward our cattle barn and watched 4 BIG TOMS in full strut side-by-side showing-off for 5 hens. They chased those hens all over the field. I have never seen 4 toms together like this. What a day!