I have a 7600 patrol rifle in 308 and the trigger housing/trigger guard is metal, in addition the safety is the old style without the lock. I don't know if it is this way with all the patrol rifles or I just got lucky but the trigger is also much slicker, no creep and reasonable weight of pull. I have been using the rifle for about three years now and really like it. It is very handy to get in and out of the vehicle with, easy to move through the woods with (much better than my AR-15 because of fewer protrusions to snag limbs and briars) and is reasonably handy in buildings. The only changes I have made to mine is I have a 4X Leupold scope mounted in quick detach rings (they return to zero) that I keep with the rifle for longer or more precise shots and I use 7400 magazines because the bolt hold open feature insures that I don't inadvertantly shoot the rifle empty and think that I still have rounds left. I don't know what your end use of the rifle will be but it will serve you well as either a law enforcement patrol rifle or as a handy hunting rifle. I don't have any shooting experience with the 223 version but in handling them they don't seem to be quite as handy as the 308 version due to the magazine protrusion at the point of balance and I really didn't pay any attention to what the trigger group assmebly was made of but I would assume it is something pretty durable considering the intended end use of the rifle.