Mr Graybeard, I am being most sincere, as I find the Bigfoot phenomena facinating. I'm not sure where to post this quetsion, and I don't know how or where to requset being a member of the Bigfoot forum, so here goes, anyway. You have, yourself, as have many others, posed the position that new species are being discovered and recognized all the time, and this is true. But my question is how many of these newly identified species are only recently seen and discovered, with little or no recent knowledge of their existance? The myth, belief, theory, legend and lore of bigfoot has been around for thousands of years, and yet there is no solid evidence of it's actual existance. These newly discovered species that many point out - have they been the subject of ancient legend also? Or have they just been newly discovered? To find and identify a new species previously unheard of, even in rumor, is different than finding and identifying a "legendary" species that has been talked about for many centuries. So, while it is encouraging to know that new species of animal life are being discovered to this day, it isn't a very solid argument that because of the new discoveries of other species, the discovery of bigfoot existance is just as likely. I hope I explained my curiosity clearly enough, if not, let me know and I'll try it again. Thanks, peace and God bless, Wolfsong. P.S. I have had what I call (and believe) a bigfoot tree knocking episode, as I shared in another post here. Do'nt know what it actually was (obviously) but bigfoot seems like a likely explanation.