The most exspensive, painful, and potentially embaressing thing you buy in this lifetime is an education. What ever you are looking for take a little time, ask a few questions and read as much as you can about something before you get it. After all, its your choice and your money when you come right down to it. Don't be afraid to be the judge when you look at something for the first time. If something isn't finished properly or doesn't work properly to begin with don't get it. If something works for some people and doesn't for others get the pros and cons straight before you make a decision. Don't rely on the summary judgements of those who may not understand how something works, because if something does work, they don't have a clue and their opinion is useless. If someone does have good results with something you are interested in find out why, because at one point they may have been in the dark too, and they will be eager to share their knowledge with you. In the end you are the judge, I hope these few hints will help you to judge wisely.