Story to follow...but here are some pics. My hunt started as a traditional archery (recurve) hunt with our very own Daveinthebush, my friend, as host. It ended with a shot from my 44 mag, Super Blackhawk instead.
Valdez harbor, our staring point...
Dang it, shrimp again. Dave with the start of another awesome meal. Man, we ate like kings...
Pope & Young bait barrel. The only thing, besides some skunk cabbage, I managed to kill with my bow. Sure did make that bear run really fast though :-D
My bear (nice photo by Dave). Took him with the 44 mag an hour after I missed him with the bow.
Dave's son, Adam, shot a heckuva nice, and very old, sow with his compound bow. Great clean kill.
Off to the grill now for some bear steaks..mmmmm. :grin:
Thanks Dave.