Hello all!
Well, it's my birthday on Wednesday and NEF says my 35 whelen barrel shipped on the 6th. Sized, trimmed, de-burred, and primed a hundred new brass tonight and I'm looking forward to getting the Handi set up for elk this fall, just in case I don't get one with the bow :oops: Last week I saw a group of 65, lots of fat cows ready to give birth and some good antlers already going strong on the bulls. Gets me fired up just thinking about it!
I have Barnes' reloading manual #3 that has a recipe for a 225 grainer just over 2700 fps with their X-bullet. I may sub a Nosler Partition in there and work up to that, I'll need an all-around bullet since while I'm hunting elk I get to hunt Mulies and Bear also. I am so blessed to get to live in Montana! Hope everybody is shooting straight!