I am not in the least surprised by the 'anti' sentiments and tones in Cold Case Files, or any other product of the television industry... this applies to the entire spectrum of mainstream mass media.
Note the adjective 'mainstream'. This is in fact the key to understanding much of this phenomenon. It is but another facet of the 'culture of fear' which is an integral part of mainstream society today: guns are dangerous, ergo they should be eliminated as ALL sources of danger should be. Any person who would have anything to do with them has to be a totally irresponsible nut case, or worse!
The underlying concept is that we are all helpless victims-in-waiting without some more knowing entity looking out for us, protecting us from all these dangers we, as poor innocents, would harm ourselves or others with if not for the regulation of such perilous items and activities by our 'protectors'.
The signs of this several decades old trend are everywhere... seat belt mandates, motorcycle and bicycle helmet laws, animal leash laws, etc, etc,etc....
Again, the term to keep in mind is MAINSTREAM. This crap is not some oddity from out of left field, it is the mindset of the majority of society, don't doubt it for a moment. Living in the northeast I am reminded of it daily, as almost every aspect of my makeup, hobbies, interests, politics, etc. is out of synch with the usual behavior and attitudes of my neighbors, co-workers and others. Other areas of the country may not manifest this delusion as overtly as some, but I'm convinced that is only due to the alarmists being a silent majority in those locales.
The day of each person being responsible for their own safety, and that of those immediately around them has passed...irresponsible, dangerous behavior is now only a sign of the increased need for big brother to protect us from our naive selves.