I can't recall a more eventful weekend for shooting. Saturday one of our members resigned by default because he was arrested right at the range with a car full of paraphernalia for making methamphetamine. The lesson is that you shouldn't leave that stuff out and visible if you're going to a shooting range that's frequented by members who are policemen.
Sunday morning one of the regular old timers was moving a bit slower than usual. He had died at the shooting bench. We were the only ones there on this drizzly cool morning. The dispatcher kept trying to get me to tell her it was a shooting accident. I kept telling her that the man had simply died, apparently of old age. He had just quietly passed away.
Then the really remarkable thing happened:
Sunday evening I was loading some .375H&Hs and had completely forgotten about the last batch of 375s I had made. I had used Winchester 760 powder because I had some that needed to be used up.
When I went to make a new batch of ammo I glanced at my most recent recipe and assumed that it was for Reloder 15 because I believed that was the only powder I had ever used for 375H&H. Bad assumption!!!
I had the Reloder 15 out and had the scale set up and adjusted for the charge weight of 760. Then, as I was beginning to throw charges, I double checked the recipe as I always do and saw "Win 760 Powder" written on the recipe. I almost fainted! The charge weight for 760 was about 10 percent heavier than the maximum charge for Reloder 15!!!
For kicks, I loaded a case with the 760 charge of Reloder 15 and found that it fit the case, but would be slightly compressed. This probably would have warned me too, but it may not have.
Bottom line is that I wish I had a third leg so I could kick my own you-know-what. I readjusted everything and then felt stupid during the rest of the loading session.
I've always felt a bit silly for double and triple checking things during reloading, but I don't think I'll feel silly about it any more.