Took my 40 S&W Star Fire star to the range yesterday. Fired abouut 8 rounds, then the trigger failed to drop the hammer. Thinking maybe the magazine safety was malfnctioning, I removed the right grip and confirmed the trigger transfer bar was sliding full length under the safety tab when the magazine was inserted. Removed the slide and inspected the cut-out for the disconnector to see if it was fouled and not letting the disconnector fully return when in battery, it was clean and there was positive spring pressure on the disconnector. Checked the innards around the sear, when the slide was removed, the transfer bar tripped the sear pusher whech in turn tripped the sear, allowing the hammer to fall. The sear spring is intact and seated and there was no binding. Reassembled, dry fired a couple of times and the hammer dropped, the the whole thing started agaiin. Any more suggestions before I do the disassembly thing?