Author Topic: Comparing two new CC guns (S&W vs. Ruger)  (Read 893 times)

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Comparing two new CC guns (S&W vs. Ruger)
« on: December 22, 2006, 06:03:01 AM »
Yesterday I traded in a gun that didn't satisfy my desires (a Sig P220ST) towards partial credit of the purchase of two definsive revolvers (one for me and one for my wife...and my wife probably got the better end of the deal...LOL). Got two sub 357 revolvers one LadySmith 357 (to shoot 38) and one Ruger SP101 (for me to carry). Although I already have these guns now and it is "too late" for buyer's input...I am curious what people generally think of these two guns.

I also looked at a Colt double action that was simply incredible (locked up like a vise and phenomenal trigger with zero creep...that I think was probably worked on but they claimed it to be a "new gun" but an old model kept in storage) and would have taken it if it was a 357 but it was a 3" .38 and the end of the outside of the barrel had very sharp edges which I thought might be uncomfortable in CC.

Both the S & W and the Ruger locked up very tight (as tight as any factory gun I have seen and just as tight as many custom guns to be honest...and I attribute this to doing a lot of shoping to find these two as I found these two in particular to be tighter than most others even of same manufacturer). The S & W has a great trigger as well (the S & W trigger indeed was very nice and with no creep like the Colt).

The Ruger trigger is heavy pull and not as nice as the S & W...but it wasn't bad really, just heavy...and for a carry gun I got the double action only with the "hammerless" type version (although the hammer cylces you can't pull it back for single action shooting)....and for carry it looks to be well built, durable, safe carry design. Good enough I figure. And accuracy (from shooting this morning) is far better than I expected from a 2 and 1/4" inch barrel shooting very reasonable groups from 20 yards with fixed sights. For its size, it is a heavy framed gun, with a heavy trigger that wasn't the smoothest trigger in the world...but it seems durable, easy to carry, accurate, locked up very tight, and pack enough punch...and generally like it will fit MY NEEDS very well being "slicked" (no sharp corners) in design for CC.

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Re: Comparing two new CC guns (S&W vs. Ruger)
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2006, 07:29:27 AM »
I have a S&W 640 -- a hammerless version of the LadySmith and the same Ruger that you have. I put boot grips on the 640 and it conceals really nicely. However, I'm about to shoot the sp101 more accurately.

Both guns will serve your needs. For conceal carry, I'd go with the 640. Otherwise, the sp101 gets the nod.
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Offline jpsmith1

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Re: Comparing two new CC guns (S&W vs. Ruger)
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2006, 12:28:43 PM »
I also have a 640.  Great gun.  I've not carried a 'hammer' revolver for CCW, but I suspect that the spur would give trouble.  I'd definately opt for the gp100 because of the more streamlined shape.  I never felt handicapped with a lack of SA shot capability, because with a little practice, you can stage up the trigger and make a SA-like shot.
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Offline Dusty Miller

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Re: Comparing two new CC guns (S&W vs. Ruger)
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2006, 03:07:12 PM »
Even with a major adrenaline dump into your bloodstream?
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Re: Comparing two new CC guns (S&W vs. Ruger)
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2006, 02:21:33 AM »
OK, you got me there.  I've never been under those conditions.  Still, the gun is quite accurate, even in DA.
Searching for the perfect left handed revolver.....

Offline PeterCartwright

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Re: Comparing two new CC guns (S&W vs. Ruger)
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2006, 04:40:47 AM »
I own a couple Smith J-frames (3" 60 and a current issue 642).  I like the "out of the box" Smith triggers better, but my tried and true SP101 (same model as yours) smoothed up a BUNCH after some shooting.  Ruger's rubber grip/frame stud engineering works great for taming even .357 fodder.  My 52 year old eyes really appreciate the bold stock sights Ruger uses.  And the icing on the cake is, my SP101 shoots tight AND to point of aim.  (Note:  I had to send mine back to Ruger to have the barrel squared up with the frame.  Prior to that work, the gun shot low/left.  Ruger did that fix without charge.  :D)

None of the above takes anything away from the Smiths.  They're great guns.  The 5 shot revolver platform may not be "cutting edge", but it's time tested.  There's a reason why these work horses continue to sell well.

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Re: Comparing two new CC guns (S&W vs. Ruger)
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2006, 05:49:14 PM »
I have the SP101, mine has the exposed hammer so I use a small holster rather than a pocket. It's accurate and shoots easily in DA mode since I put Wolff (sp?) springs in it to lighten it up just a notch. Kicks like a mule with heavy loads, but it's fun to shoot and LOUD!!! I don't have the S&W you do, but I do have a 686 with 6" barrel, and the trigger is smooth as glass. I think you'd be good to go with either gun; they're similar in fit & function, something I hadn't thought of when I got the SP to complement my P12-45. VERY different feel between the two; takes time to practice to keep sharp with both of them.
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