Dear Fellow American,
This 4th of July, while you and your family celebrate the 230th Anniversary of the founding of our great nation, there's one party you won't be invited to...
...And that's the party that Kofi Annan is throwing at United Nations headquarters in New York -- using your tax dollars -- for nearly fifty dictatorships, six terrorist states, governments that endorse execution based on religious faith, and a multitude of other nations from around the globe.
You see, this party isn't to honor your freedoms -- but to conspire to take them away.
Over our July 4th holiday, on American soil, they are preparing to enact a legally-binding treaty that would give the U.N. unchallengeable power to ban civilian ownership of ALL firearms.
That means your rifles, your shotguns and your handguns. AND YOUR FREEDOM!
To learn what you can do to stop the U.N.'s global gun ban treaty-before it destroys our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms visit
Just as a handful of patriots fired the "shot heard 'round the world" at Concord Bridge, it's up to you and me and every patriot who cherishes our Bill of Rights to tell the world today that our nation will not be bullied by the U.N.
Thank you for acting today.
Wayne LaPierre
Executive Vice President
National Rifle Association of America