I have been eating snappers for over 40 years and love them more now than before. Here in East Tennessee this is how we cook em.
Allow cleaned turtle to set in salt water overnight in fridge.
Pressure cook turtle pcs. with salt and pepper for 15 minutes for a small turtle and 25 for an old one.
Relieve pressure under water, remove whole pcs.(if you can, most of the time the meat falls apart, so use everything) and roll in a flour, salt and pepper mixture and fry in GOOD oil or LARD. When the pcs have slightly browned remove meat and set aside. Use meat grease to make a schorched gravy add some biscuts and you are set. I have never heard of wasting snapper in a soup. Sounds like a waste of good meat to me.
BTW We use this basic method for squirrel, gorundhog, rabbit, coon and just about about anything else short of possum. I have eat 2 coons in the past week, one fried and one baked.
Enjoy, Rick