Author Topic: Need A Little Help  (Read 507 times)

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Offline oo_buck

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Need A Little Help
« on: July 25, 2006, 05:05:57 AM »
I have a Ruger Vaquero, that is shooting left......

I intend to actually shoot it from  a soid rest at a target and send it back to
Ruger in hopes that they will fix the problem for me.

Problem is

At work they have restricted my internet so tight that I cannot pull up any contact info for ruger. 

Which makes no sense, cause I can log onto here..... go figure....


Could someone post a direct link to an email, or at least a phone number for customer service??

Thanks in advance.

Offline Travis Shuck

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Re: Need A Little Help
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2006, 05:33:22 AM »

Product Service Department
411 Sunapee Street
Newport, NH 03773
(Monday through Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm EST)
Telephone: 603-865-2442
Fax: 603-863-6165

I hope this helps.
"seeing then that all these things shall be disolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness." 2Peter 3:11

Offline dakotashooter2

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Re: Need A Little Help
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2006, 11:32:16 AM »
If you are a right handed shooter that is normal for a Ruger. Don't know for sure but my guess is they are regulated on a machine rest which doesn't result in the gun turning like it does in the hand. They will check it but may or may not do anything about it. You might have to get a smith to "turn" the barrel for you. every Ruger I've ever owned shot low and left whe I got it.
Just another worthless opinion!!

Offline oo_buck

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Re: Need A Little Help
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2006, 11:39:01 AM »
Talked to them already....

From what they told me:

If I were to tell them that at a range of 20yds my groups are 8 inches to the left.....
they will move the group 8 inches to the right....

Now, if it's operator error....(ME)... and eventually, I change my shooting form... it will cost me to fix it back.......

decisions decisions.....

Offline jimster

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Re: Need A Little Help
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2006, 01:37:01 PM »
I've found it's kind of rare to find a single action fixed sight gun that shoots exactly to the point of aim, I've had a couple that do, but had a few more that didn't. Ruger will probably correct this, and I agree with the previous post, usually the job involved turning the barrel a tad. I got lucky and bought a Ruger vaquero that shot right dead on with 250-255 grain bullets.
Actually, there are lots of people that turn the barrels themselves, if you search this site you'll probably find some info.
A barrel vice is all you really need, if it shoots left your lucky, the barrel turns in in the right direction to bring the group back to the right, all you need is enough cylinder barrel gap to go a wee bit without getting too tight, and Rugers usually have plenty of room there. If it shoots right, things could get more complicated.
I'd send it to Ruger, they have treated me real good. You'll be glad you did when it shoots to center. Well worth it.

Offline Glanceblamm

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Re: Need A Little Help
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2006, 12:21:25 PM »
My last two Rugers have shot dead on as far as windage goes. Might just be lucky as
Jimster said.

I would recommend the following test. Next time you are at the range shoot six, or even twelve
Shots at your target. Punch out your emptys then fire six more shots with your UNLOADED gun.
See if you flinch or twitch any when the hammer falls. For some, it usually is a twitch down and to the left.

I do recall seeing a post here about turning the barrel. I think it went something like.....
Drill a hole in a piece of hardwood to match the outside barrel diameter.
Cut this board lenght wise through the center of the hole.
Mount board on either side of barrel and secure in vice.
Place a piece of masking tape at the top of frame to include small part of the barrel.
Use straight edge to mark a very thin line on the tape between frame & barrel.
Use a razor to cut tape between the frame and barrel so as to keep pencil lines clean.
Whittle a 2x4 so the wittled end will fit in the frame where the cylinder is.
Use the 2x4 to turn the barrel NO More than one width of the pencil mark.

Did I mention to loosen or take out the ejector housing screw :o I sure hope that the thing will go back in there after turning the thing. Might have to do some wallowing ;)
Might just let Ruger do it. ;D