took her out for a needed workout today and , wow ,, alot of fun. She has been a closet queen for a couple years, displaced by some big money rim fires. Today the weather was about 50 degrees here in central Maine which is very unusual for this time of year. I used the majority of the 550 federal bulk pack with out a single mis fire or any other problem. Accuracy was great and was ringing the 20 pound propane tank at 100 yards all day long. The twenty yard spinner targets were spinning like a pin weel on a breezy april morning. . What a great way to spend the afternoon. Also fired quite a few from the hip as fas as they would go with pretty good accuracy. Alot of fun. I really like this ecomnical rifle. I have a lot of firles that cost 5 times as much, but this one is just plain fun. Got a good deal at walmart as there was a gouge in the stock, $155 was the final price if memory serves. I love the marlins but this one just plain shoots. The blueing on this particuliar one is just perfec, rich and deep, A fun day.