Author Topic: What do you think?  (Read 560 times)

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Offline DWTim

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What do you think?
« on: February 09, 2007, 05:09:12 PM »
I recently moved back into suburbia. I have a small dog that, thankfully, has good hearing. A little too good, since she runs around the house barking when my neighbor pulls into his driveway. Thank god for this dog, because my hearing isn't what it used to be.

So, she's doing her regular thing, sitting in front of the heat register in the living room. I'm reading on the Internet and listening to the radio. She does her alarm bark. I think I hear voices, but it could just be in the background on the radio (it's so hard to tell which direction). She barks again, so I tell her to pipe down. Then, a few minutes later, she starts barking again. I turn off the radio, and this time I hear voices outside.

I reach over and part the curtains. Nope, neighbor's snug in their house. So I get up, go to the kitchen and turn on the light for the breezeway. No one there. The talking stops. I walk over to the front door, and look out. There's a guy with a winter cap on, maybe 5'11", 250-260 pounds lumbering along. I continue to watch him as he walks across my front yard. He's now under the lone street light out in the middle of nowhere (kind of odd now that I think about it). It's hard to tell because his face is shadowed, but I get the impression that he is turning his head, so I duck away from the door.

I go grab my jacket and my DW, currently with the 2" barrel on it. I only have .38s, so I load it up, and stick it in my pocket. Keep in mind this took less than a minute to do. I return to the front door...

I swear, this guy disappeared faster than a government budget surplus. I didn't hear him stomping through the hard snow, and he didn't look like, or have the gait of my elderly neighbors. I grab my Maglite and go outside with snubby in jacket pocket, my hand on the stocks. I go to the end of the driveway. I can see some 500 feet in either direction, nothing. The neighbor across the street has no lights on, and this guy had no flashlight. I look for new footprints in the snow in my yard, and I look at the backyard. No sounds. Unbelievable, he evaporated.

I go back in the house and lock up. 10:10 PM. It is highly unusual for someone to be walking down my street at 10PM, in dark clothes, and with no flashlight. I'm probably the only person who spotted this guy, and the guy wasn't doing anything wrong, only behaving in a highly suspicious manner. I'm not going to bug the cops.

Years ago, I lived in an okay neighborhood surrounded by not-so-nice areas. It was at the intersection of a major and a minor highway, so the goblins often found it the ideal location to cause trouble and make a quick exit. I got tired of the ex-wife waking me up and telling me to go check downstairs whenever something creaked. I still keep shotshells in the sock drawer in the dresser closest to the bed, out of habit. For a while after, I slept with a revolver under the pillow.

What do you think? Although there was no immediate danger, it made me think what would I do. I think I've become complacent. Heck, I don't carry, and I don't even know where my holster went.

Offline rockbilly

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Re: What do you think?
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2007, 06:38:50 PM »
Dumb move.  Why would anyone leave the security of their home to go outside and look for a "suspicious person.?  First, you heard voices, this indicates that there was possibly more than one.
The smart thing to do here would have been call the police, but while calling, with the .38 in hand, keep the person see you, and know that you are watching.  This may have prevented a neighbors house from being broke in, or maybe even prevented harm to them.
What would have happened when you went outside and were met by the "suspicious person" and several of his friends.  The odd would have been in their favor, and if they intended to do harm to someone you would have been at their mercy. 
Should it happen again, stay indoors and call the cops, that's why you pay taxes.  JMHO.

Offline DWTim

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Re: What do you think?
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2007, 06:47:04 PM »
Hmm, more than one guy. Good point.

I guess I have become complacent, and a bit stupid.

Offline LEO

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Re: What do you think?
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2007, 02:53:01 AM »
Rockbilly is right, you left a relatively secure area, in that the person would have had to make a lot of noiise to get to you, you were in a position where you could take the figurative "high ground", in that you could choose a position where you could not be approached without having a good field of fire.  Once you left your house you transfered the advantage to the other guy assuming he wanted to do you harm.  You didn't know where the subject you saw had gone and you didn't know how many more of them there were and if they were armed or not. Going looking for the bad guy works in books and movies but in the real world it usually isn't going to turn out real well in the scenario you described.  Plus, I don't know about the laws where you live, but where I live if the bad guy breaks into an occupied dwelling and the legal occupant shoots them then the shooting is assumed justified.  Not that an out of "dwelling" shooting is not justified it is just that it raises a lot of questions to be answered.  I make my living hunting bad guys and I don't go chasing things that go "bump in the night" if you want to do me harm at home you are going to have to come to me on my terms and those terms are not going to be very favorable for you. Not meaning to be too hard on you but as I am sure you know the learning curve in this type of incident can be pretty steep and you may not get the chance to try it again.

Offline DWTim

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Re: What do you think?
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2007, 09:22:01 AM »
Okay, well I guess this is the part where I apologize for my idiocy, or at least explain it, in case you're thinking, "is this guy on happy pills or something?". I let my curiosity get the best of me. I wasn't trying to be some macho Rambo type, and go out and meet the guy. I have a fairly good field of view around the house, and there was no one to be seen. I thought I could satisfy my curiosity by spotting him way down the street, walking to some other house. Or, that's what I thought at the time. As I walked back into the house, it occurred to me that I'd just "reasoned" myself into the what may have been a dangerous situation, however comfortable and safe my neighborhood appears to be. Hence this thread.

Anyway, it's safe to say this thread has a lesson in it. The lesson is that were this a test of my preparedness, I'd score a zero. I would be a victim, and not a very helpful source of information for the police if it turns out the guy caused some trouble somewhere else later that night. Since I (formerly) had some common sense, I realize that there's a lot more that comes before the part where I stick a revolver in my pocket. Here's what I'm going to do about it:

It occurs to me that I had no clue if any of the doors were shut and locked all the way. Sure, I hardly ever use the front door, but I could have at least checked the knob while I was standing there. The side door was locked, but I didn't notice that until after I spotted the suspicious person. Both breezeway doors are flimsy metal doors that can only be locked from the inside... But they weren't locked. From now on, I check all the doors before settling in.

I don't have a spotlight on the garage, the front stoop, or the back porch. The switches for the regular lights aren't accessible from inside the house, save one. Good thing my vision is sharp. This is a fairly "new" house for me, and it's a preexisting condition, but it's going to have to be fixed real soon. Next time I get a real good look, and continue watching.

Preparedness: The "kit" would be: Phone, flashlight, firearm. Only the flashlight was accessible on the way to my points of observation. From now on, These things will we organized centrally in the house, and I will have them on my person when I go look out the windows after the "dachshund alarm system" goes off in the middle of the night.

Additions and critique welcome and appreciated.

Offline canon6

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Re: What do you think?
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2007, 01:45:14 PM »
we all have to fight the temptation to take action,we are hard wired to protect the camp/home/fire/castle.Rockbilly is spot on on this ,the equipment mentioned is a bare minimum   hth  Doug
a armed man is his own master

Offline Heavy C

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Re: What do you think?
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2007, 04:24:21 PM »
If you're able to do so, stash more than one set of essentials at key points of the house.  You may not always be in that "one" spot where you have your flashlight and weapon when trouble comes calling.

Offline jhm

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Re: What do you think?
« Reply #7 on: February 11, 2007, 06:08:34 AM »
DWTim :  At this point it still isnt too late to call the police and let them be aware of what happened, it may give you and them reason to patrol your area, as someone else may have experienced the same thing and your reporting it may add some notch of importance to a otherwise routine report, and if you do have to call again they may just get there a little quicker to assist in removing the trash off the living room floor in the event you had to take forceful action.  Good luck and remember its always better to be safe than sorry.   JIM

Offline PaulS

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Re: What do you think?
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2007, 01:24:55 AM »
My brother used to sleep with his 44 mag in a holster on his bedpost. He awoke one morning with this single action, hair triggered 44 in full cock under his pillow..... with his hand on the trigger! He decided to put it just a little further away. He never had a problem with intruders and I feel sorry for anyone who tried it. A spider crawling under the door into his room would wake him so sneaking up on him or around his house would be dangerous.

Hodgdon, Lyman, Speer, Sierra, Hornady = reliable resources
so and so's pages on the internet = not reliable resources
Alway check loads you find on the internet against manuals.
NEVER exceed maximum listed loads.