Author Topic: High Standard Semi-auto  (Read 1028 times)

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Offline jrdudas

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High Standard Semi-auto
« on: February 21, 2007, 05:26:06 PM »
I am a long-time target shooter but am new to trap shooting and shotgun sports in general.  I have a J.C. Higgins (High Standard) 12 Ga. pump that I use with some success for Trap shooting.  I would like to try a semi-auto for Trap and happened across a "High Standard Shadow" in 12 Ga.  The gun is like new and I know that High Standard has not sold shotguns for many years.  Through some research I have found that this gun was made for High Standard by Nikko of Japan in the years 1974-75.  I can find no further information for this shotgun.  Does anyone know whether these were quality guns, or if they are guns that are best to avoid.  My research did show that Nikko made some O/U models one of which is also called a "Shadow" and they seem to command high prices.

Thanks in advance for your help.


Offline prairie_boy

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Re: High Standard Semi-auto
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2007, 05:08:26 AM »
My brother has had a High Standard Shadow with an improved-modified choke that he used for years as a duck gun and for shooting geese over decoys, until steel shot became a requirement.  He has never has any issues with functioning, as long as the gun starts the day clean.  It you don't clean it at the end of the day, it seems like the powder fouling hardens or swells up a bit and it jams.

As long as he maintains a clean gun, it performs flawlessly.  For someone shooting clays, it shoyuldn't be an issue.
Fit and finish on this example is superb, and the gun is still like new.
2&3/4" chamber.

Hope the info is useful.