I just grab a clean bucket (with a good lid IF you can find one), shake the the dip can hard for a few minutes, pour contents into bucket, pour the lantern fluid into the empty dip can and then pour into bucket, I like to go 5 cans (empty dip can) of lantern fluid to one container of dip. Stir with a stake and start dipping. Just get the trap wet and remove from dip for a few seconds let excess dip drip off, then lay on a clean surface or better yet hang them out in the air. NOTE: NO MATCHES, NO SMOKING, NO HEAT..in fact make sure you have good ventilation.
Also be sure traps are clean...free of gunk,excess rust and for coilspring traps clean out springs..usually some mud in there. For modified traps watch for blood, tissue, hair in between jaw lam.s
Hope this helps.