Over the years I have found that I can go to a local Farmers Market in August and September and buy Tomato's and Peppers for $7 for a half bushel basket each. This escape worked well since Tomato Blight was a problem for tomato's for two straight years. I am beginning to wonder if $7 is too expensive for all the worry one gets with a vegetable garden sometimes...but I keep trying. Between cool nights and periods of drought, then heavy rains, this year is probably going to be a bust around here for the vegetable garden. On the other hand, the Pumpkin fields are doing real good. It seems like the plants that like stinkin hot weather are stunted.
Even now in July, the night temps aren't all that great for tomato's and peppers. Two or three weeks of hot nights won't help much either. Soon it will be time to throw in the towel and go to the farmers market .........again.
South and West of these dry Canadian Highs and Atlantic Torrential rains, gardens are doing well.