Wow! Have I had fun the last few days! The yellow hornets are building their nests right now. I try to keep them down so they won't sting the Grandkids when they come over. And they love to build nests in the swing set, around the deck, and by the sand box, so it is a busy time. The insect spray works good on them if you find a bunch on the nest, but usually they all scatter before you can really nail them. I'm too old and slow to do well with a flyswater and I usually just make them mad. So I got to thinking. I do Cowboy theatrical gunfights and had a bunch of .22 blanks around. These are quite powerful and not like the crimped blanks that the starter guns used. They will shoot fire out the muzzle and powder particles also. So I loaded up my old Hy Hunter .22 with blanks and went to town. You can shoot them buggers right out of the air this way! I have had a ball this last week popping the hornets around here. Ain't quite like deer hunting but it's still shooting and it's fun. I think the neighbors are beginning to think I am crazy but they haven't called the medics to take me away yet so I'm going to keep at it! Just think what that looks like from a distance. You can't see the hornets, just me (60) running around the back yard with a .22 revolver shooting into the air, under the deck, and around the out buildings. Whoopee!!! 44 Man