Author Topic: Ruger Mini-30 and Mini-14 After Market Magazines  (Read 500 times)

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Ruger Mini-30 and Mini-14 After Market Magazines
« on: October 13, 2006, 01:06:26 PM »
I have had flawless performance from:
a] Two USA Magazine, Inc Mini-30 stainless 10 round magazines. One was modiified to allow 20 rounds being loaded (by removing the limiting tail on the follower), the other remains as issued. The modified one has fed about 500 cartridges into the breech, troublefree. The unmodified 10 rounder has done so for over 4,000 rounds. There have been no malfunctions or any operating peculiarities with either magazine. These cost $10 apiece new. They look far less worthy than they function, having poor seam work and low quality looking construction.
I have gotten good performance from:
b] 2 ProMag 10 shot Mini-14 blued magazines. One has performed for about 1,000 shots flawlessly. It only holds 9 rounds! The other has fed about 450 rounds into the breech. It holds 10 rounds, however, this particular magazine demands that the cartridges be carefully placed in it with the cartridge base exactly flush with the rear wall of the mag. Otherwise the third round is sent sailing from the magazine! These cost $15 apiece new. The seam work and the fit and finish are top notch, however, they bleed bluing salts.
For my purposes, all these magazines are satisfactory.