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can only have one i making a good decision?
« on: September 07, 2006, 10:22:59 AM »
i currently have no fire arms but im about to buy a gun for hunting . here in va some areas are shotgun only and im strongly considering getting a shotgun combo with a slug barrel and regular barrel . id really love to have a 30-06 but given that ill have to hunt public land where ever i can find it i dont want to limit myself to any less areas than whats available . i really have no desire to hunt birds (well.....i may try turkeys ....just maybe ) and im mainly interested in deer , according to remington,winchester and several other ammo makers their high end sabboted slugs are able to be shot accurately up to about 200 yards IF I DO MY PART ,and i dont really forsee a shot that long or longer in the areas that i currently know about . also these slugs seem to be more than powerful enough for even bears should i get that brave or have a chance to .i dont have the income to support me having multiple guns (maybe another in a few years)and im thinking this would be the most cost effective route for me as well as being a firearm that will humanely dispatch the game i'm after .
i know i will need to pratice to hone my shooting skills and i figure i can use cheap slugs for that and use the high end ones for hunting being sure to make my last pratice shots with high end ones to comfirm the sighting .i do plan to get a scope for the rifeled slug barrel .i do have a break barrel pellet gun that i feel im pretty accurate with and i know the shotgun is going to have real recoil (ive shot a few and a 30-06 and im ok with the recoil) .
the gun combo im considering is the pump action mossberg 500 in 12 guage , im not interested in the ability to use 3 1/2 inch shells as every forum ive read about them is not kind to them to say the least .the scope will probally be a bushnell banner series or a leapers TRUE STRENGTH series . i really like what ive read about the H&R /NEF guns and was looking at the new pump action pardner but theres not much info on it .
  do yall think im on the right track or would you recomend a different route . ive been lurking here for a long time and really respect the opinions of most on here . thanks in advance for your opinions .

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Re: can only have one i making a good decision?
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2006, 10:29:37 AM »
That is one viable route to go. Personally I'd recommend the Remington Express over the Mossberg but I'm sure there are others here who would recommend the other way.

One other route to think about is buying a TC Encore. You can get them with rifle, shotgun or muzzle loader barrels or buy whichever is best for you up front and get the extra barrels quite reasonably priced as the need arises. It does limit you to a single shot gun but that's not really such a huge limitation, you'll seldom get off a second aimed shot at game anyway.

Bill aka the Graybeard
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Re: can only have one i making a good decision?
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2006, 10:58:11 AM »
thanks for the speedy reply graybeard . i have thought a lot about the H&R/NEF single shots and the whole gun is about the cost of  just the barrel for a thompson . a single shot is not a problem because i feel i shouldnt be hunting any animal if i cant feel very confident that i have the ability to hit the vitals area if im given the oppertunity .one thing lurking here has done for me is give me a greater respect for the animals and a desire to try very hard to make sure my shot results in a speedy death for the animal for minimal suffering .im also considering a muzzel loader (H&R/NEF sidekick) because its my understanding that the shotgun counties do allow muzzel loaders .a muzzel loader would probally be cheaper to shoot than slugs too which would help with the cost of praticing my shooting. i personally feel using premium ammo is a no brainer if it increases my odds of humanely filling my freezer with meat , but , saving at the shooting range would help me me able to shoot more to improve my accuracy . im a big boy (6 ft 1 and north of 300) so im not worried about the recoil . thanks again

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Re: can only have one i making a good decision?
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2006, 12:43:06 PM »
Good idea. Get the right NEF and you can add a shotgun or muzzle loader barrel if you wish. Only the rifle reciever will accept centerfire rifle, shotgun and Muzzle loader barrels.
shot placement is everything.

Offline TreyAzagthoth

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Re: can only have one i making a good decision?
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2006, 03:18:27 PM »
TC or mossberg
I know what you're thinking. "Did he fire six shots or only five?"
Well, to tell the truth I shoot a Springfield XD so it doesnt really matter.

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Re: can only have one i making a good decision?
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2006, 07:22:26 PM »
  If it were me and I was going to be limited to one gun for multiple needs, I'd get the H&R/NEF because of your financial situation.  You can get outfitted reasonably well for little money and have great accuracy as well.  Another consideration might be the CVA Optima Elite.  It is CVA's answer for the NEF and Thompson switchbarrel concept and I understand CVA is very accurate as well. I think they start at around 300. but I don't know about the cost of extra barrels. The NEF offerings are really inexpensive but not cheap.  There is a difference. Whatever you do, good luck in collecting that backstrap for the grill!!!   

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Re: can only have one i making a good decision?
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2006, 06:17:38 AM »
 I had to jump in on this. I would go with a 12 gague with two barrels if you can swing it {financialy}.the NEF's are quit interesting I am thinking of getting some of them. I currently have a mossberge turkey gun in the camo patern i have a less expensive red dot scope on mine and have used it for hog hunting I am comfortable with 50 yards or less {dont have a rifeled barrel} the guys i know that do have a rifeled barrel do well out to 100 yards. Go turkey hunting once, and you will not be able to stop! What ever make you choose the shootgun is a very good choise for a one gun hunter.   Good luck  D.C. Don

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Re: can only have one i making a good decision?
« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2006, 09:21:02 AM »
BOTYMOSTER,Check out the 2-barrel and 3-barrel combos in the H&R handi rifle lineup.Sounds like just the thing you are looking for.
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Re: can only have one i making a good decision?
« Reply #8 on: September 08, 2006, 03:45:00 PM »
if it was me id go with the nef handi rifle, just plan on buying a scope as the sights that come on the rifle barrels are very hard to hit with, at least for me. the notch is way too wide for the narrow blade.

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Re: can only have one i making a good decision?
« Reply #9 on: September 09, 2006, 03:50:40 AM »
First I'd like to say for a first time purchaser I think you have a good head on your shoulders.  Most people that start out just go to a gunshop and get talked into a sale or take a buddy with them that makes the choices.

I think that the Mossberg or the NEF combos are the way to go on this.  The T/Center stuff gets pricey for more barrels and options. If birds are really not on the list then I would lean to the NEF for the rifle barrel over the slug for deer but the NEF Ultra slug hunter sells in my area for $199 and is supposed to be very accurate.  For deer only this might be the way to go.  If you need to hunt a shotgun-only restricted area and you change your mind on birds then the Mossberg.  By the time you change your mind on birds you may be able to afford another gun.

Keeping in mind your finances I would look very closely at the used gun rack at your local gun store.  GOOD valuves can be found there.  Many, many guns never see hard enough use to really wear out.  A little scratched or rubbed but 100% functional.  Like nice faded blue jeans.  Although the NEF is low in price if you start adding more and more barrels the costs start to add up.  If you shop around wisely for used and visit a gun show you might be able to get 2 good deals on a rifle and shotgun.  Or a much better slug gun.

I think the Mossberg combo might have more resale value over the NEF combo. 
Just my 2 cents


Offline .308 Win.

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Re: can only have one i making a good decision?
« Reply #10 on: September 13, 2006, 05:24:38 PM »
  I hadn't thought about a used gun but that is a good idea.  Recently I bought a Remington 700 ADL in .30/06 for very little money and I took it to a Remington service center in Louisville to have it checked out.  The 'smith said it was in need of a good cleaning but he didn't think it had had 50 rounds run through it and he was using a borescope, so he was able to look at it well.  When I called Remington to give them the serial number, they said the date of production was 1977!!!  A few things to look for, or at least this is what I look for, is even wear on the bolt lugs from side to side, smooth feeding ramp (no dings in it to mess up your bullet when chambering a round), look at the rail the bolt slides on to see if the bluing is worn off and look at the crown on the muzzle. If everything is sharp and the crown is smooth without dents, etc.  If it is, a good 'smith can recrown the muzzle for nearly nothing.  Also, when you have the bolt out, look at the bolt face to see if there is any pitting.  If there is, whoever had it before was probably loading ammo. that was excessive in pressure.  You may know other things as well that I don't but these are just what I initially look at when I am looking at a used gun.  BloomGrad had a really good idea.  I am lucky enough to have found some real bargains on second hand guns and some good shooters in the mix, as well.  Good luck.       

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Re: can only have one i making a good decision?
« Reply #11 on: September 15, 2006, 10:01:49 AM »
At least in the areas in VA that I'm familiar with that don't allow center fire rifles, you can shoot also use a muzzle loader during the rifle season.  (Check the regs to be sure though.)  You may want to consider an in-line muzzle loader as it will open up that season and may offer you increased range/accuracy over a shotgun.
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Offline joshco84

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Re: can only have one i making a good decision?
« Reply #12 on: September 19, 2006, 04:27:48 PM »
i think a good way to go would either be the nef handi rifle rout. you could buy a rifled slug barrel with the gun to begin with, and then buy a regular 12 gauge barrel to turkey hunt, and even bird hunt with (just make sure it has interchangable chokes).  you could also buy a good used remintong 870 with an interchangable choke barrel on it, and purchase a rifled slug barrel off of ebay for it (or vis-versa).  there is always barrels for remington 870's on ebay, and usually there is new or lightly used slug barrels by the dozens on there.
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