In my neck of the woods, we can only hunt hogs with the biggest shot allowed during a given season. For instance, during squirrel season is the maximum shot size is T-shot. Per the game and fish folks, we can’t hunt with anything larger than T-shot (the whole biggest shot size rule).
Dead Coyote is T-shot (approx.20 cal pellets) and in a 3.5” shell, there’s more than 50 pellets. I hunted hogs last year on the ground with this load with a very tight choke and felt very confident in a close range situation. (Within 50 yards or so)
My logic is that this hevi-shot load, and 2 backup shells in the mag, could take down a hog. (100-150 lbs in my area). Hog hunting within the constraints of the law in Arkansas is somewhat limiting but I’d like to hear other folks opinion on this method.