I agree with myarmor. The handi is an inexpensive firearm, and the 44 mag, when used as a rifle cartridge, is an inexpensive round as it can often be found in 50 round boxes. I love my stainless Ruger M-77/44. I might consider a 44 mag handi if I did not already have my ruger and 45-70 and 500 magnum handirifles.
I too have read where folks have gotten great accuracy from 44 mag handis with cast bullets. If you handload, you can lean to the heavy side as well since the handi is so strong. With the possible exception of any Ruger No3's or No1's or any Browning 1885's that were produced in 44 mag, the handi may well be the strongest rifle action the 44 mag is available in. And all for $200.