I've just about used up the first and last pound of Unique powder and am looking for something else. I reload mostly black powder, but I have a 73' uberti peace maker that is just plain fun to take a 100 rounds or so and go out behind the house and make steel clang with smokeless.
I like the performance I got from Unique, but the posibility of a double charge exist, and it doesn't meter that well. I use a progressive press without any of the extras, and weigh each charge. I'm thinking a little bulkerier powder so that if I do drop two charges It'll be pretty obviouse? I'm using 7 grains of Unique with a 250 grain wheel wieght cast bullet. I'd like to keep the pressure and velocity down to standard factory loading, and ocasionly use the same load in my 1860 henry.
Smokless loads will be primarily for plinking, hunting gets 38 grains of 3f drop tubed and a pure lead 250 grain prs bullet. I've thought about cutting down a few cases or useing schofield brass but that'd mean anouther set of dies and seperating more brass. I only reload for 38 colt, 45 colt and 45-70 Gov. and want to keep it simple.