I don't know where you are in conn. I am in Preston hand gun reloads can be had at Lebonon sports 38/44/45/357 100rnds $18.00-$25.00 depending what you need. Also Wolf 223 at $2.50
and 7.62 russian $2.75 a box. If I can't get what I need there I go to Newington Gun Exchange or Hoffmans both are in Newington about a mile from each other they have all the same military ammo as Cheeper then dirt at the same price but no shipping and handling. Russian Turk.South African ect. I hope this is some help Nweington Gun also handles the same reloads as Lebonon Sports I have used a lot of these and never had a problem. I hope this is some help good luck let me know how you make out.