Author Topic: .30-30 150 gr. power points-enough for hogs?  (Read 2107 times)

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Offline Mad Dog

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.30-30 150 gr. power points-enough for hogs?
« on: March 26, 2003, 07:38:01 AM »
My buddy and I are in the process of cooking up a hog/javelina hunt in Texas, for next Feb.  I could take several different guns, but I want to take my NEF handi rifle, in .30-30, and shoot everything with it.  The gun just loves win. 150 gr. power points, and I know that that is MORE than enough for any javies, or coyotes I run into on the trip.  I also suspect that it is enough for meat hogs.   However I am a little concerned about a big hog [250-300 lbs.].  I really don't want to go to 170 gr. bullets, because I'm afraid they won't expand on the coyotes and javelinas.  Do you think I can get away with the 150's for everthing?

Mad Dog
Mad Dog

Offline markc

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« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2003, 12:25:17 PM »
Although I am not all that familiar with power point bullets, (Winchester?)  150 grains is plenty as long as you don't place the bullet directly into the shoulder.  Behind the shoulder on a hog quartering away, or in the neck works best.   Sounds like a fun trip you have planned.

Offline Ironwood

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.30-30 150 gr. power points-enough for hogs
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2003, 01:17:54 PM »
I haven't ever used the Power Point or Sliver Tip in my 30-30s.  I have used the 150 gr Speer Hot Core bullet with good success on hogs of the 200-300 pound range.

The first photo is a boar hog shot at about 10 yards right through the shield (lungs).  I killed that boar hog before I found out you couldn't shoot through the shields. :-)
The second photo is a big sow.  Shot her in the head just above the eyes as she was feeding right toward me and I had a good rest.  The rifle is a Remington 788 in 30-30. :-)


Born in the Pineywoods of East Texas a long long time ago.

Offline Zachary

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.30-30 150 gr. power points-enough for hogs
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2003, 04:11:52 PM »
The power points are coventional bullets, but are generally fine for deer and do not over-expand or loose too much weight because of the relatively low velocity in which they travel.   Still, I wouldn't feel all THAT comfortable shooting Power Points on hogs, even lung shots.  Just to be safe, I would try and find a bullet with a little stouter construction for hogs.


Offline Varmint Hunter

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.30-30 150 gr. power points-enough for hogs
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2003, 02:42:50 AM »
Funny thing:

When I was searching around for the best wild boar medicine I found several guys that only shoot hogs with the .223. :lol:  And others who ONLY used the 22 mag (rimfire) :eek:
Most of these guys shoot hogs in the head, either at the ear hole or at the base of the eye. :shock:
I just figured that they were MUCH better shots than me and I chose a cartridge that was much more powerful. Oh, and did I mention that I'm ascared of big nasty hogs? :-D  :)  :-D

Offline Del

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.30-30 ammo.......
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2003, 08:43:51 AM »
Mad Dog,
My recommendation is to pick a load that will do the job on the largest animal you may take on a hunt, it will work on the smaller animals also.  But if you pick ammo that is perfect for the smaller game, it may fail when used on the large animal!

Here in Alaska most people don't hunt sheep or deer w/a .243 or .270, even though they are good to great rounds for those animals, they use a .30-06 or bigger most of the time.  That way they are ready in case they run into mr. brown bear, moose, elk, big black bear etc.

I suggest going with the Federal Premium loaded w/the 170 grn Nosler Partition,  a conventional 170 grn load, or maybe the PMC Starfire loaded w/the 150 grn H.P. barnes X-type bullet (I think they are the one loading that bullet for the .30-30?)  The .30-30 is a great cartridge, just choose the right ammo for the job!

Sounds like a great hunt, have a good time!!
Especially with a Handgun!!

Offline Ironwood

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.30-30 150 gr. power points-enough for hogs
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2003, 09:30:43 AM »
Mad Dog....  Although the 30-30 is surely enough gun for any animal you might run across down here, some exotics excepted, and since you are coming down here from Indiana.  I think it might be wise for you to bring a rifle of at least .270 caliber.  I'm not sure where you will be hunting, but most of the areas that have javelina, except maybe far South Texas, will offer you some fairly long shots.  A javelina isn't all that big and the kill zone at 150 - 200 yards is very small.   :grin:   Heck, there's nothing wrong with bringing two rifles.  I know if I were going from here in East Texas to Indiana ,deer hunting, I would take 2 rifles.

Born in the Pineywoods of East Texas a long long time ago.

Offline bobg

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« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2003, 11:05:13 AM »
The first hog i killed was with the 257 Roberts with 100gr. bullets. Took two shots. The first was a gut shot, the second was through the lungs. I'm sure the 150gr. bullet will work just great. Good luck on your hunt.

Offline willis5

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.30-30 150 gr. power points-enough for hogs
« Reply #8 on: April 15, 2003, 06:12:51 AM »
We just cleaned house on a 543 lbs boar, 450 lbs sow, 195 lbs and 100 lbs boars. bigest ones with the 30.30 power points. one head and one neck shot on the big ones. both obviously dropped and only thrashed.

Offline Zachary

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.30-30 150 gr. power points-enough for hogs
« Reply #9 on: April 21, 2003, 11:10:43 AM »
My brother once used my 7mm Rem. Mag. on a deer hunt.  He didn't know any better and used 150 grain PPs.  The velocity at 100 yards in that gun and bullet weight is very high - which is not that great for deer, and horrible for hogs.  Anyway, a big hog came up about 75 yards away and he took a shot at it right on the shoulder (bad choice).  At the shot, the hog squeeled like heck and ran off.  We went to the impact sight and saw actual chuncks of bone and blood all over the place.  We looked for the big hog everywhere but couldn't find him.

Like I said, the PPs coming out of a .30-30 is different than from a 7mag.  Those PPs will simply blow up at higher velocities.  That's why I always stick with premium bullets - you just can't go wrong.


Offline willis5

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.30-30 150 gr. power points-enough for hogs
« Reply #10 on: April 22, 2003, 04:48:03 AM »
I do agree. Like those ballistic tips. When they hit bone at a high vel. they explode too. They do great when they are put on deer sized animals behind shoulders or spine. I want penetration and expansion. I don't want one or the other.

Those pp out of a 30.30 were so potent because they were neck/back of the head shots.
