Been watching these two ladies all week.Hadn't got a shot but I'm still big buck hunting anyways.I get pretty close just by watching and keeping the wind on my nose.Too lazy to get a tree blind and I've shot my share of deer.I'm more or less getting some excercise and my love of nature fix.I walked up on them under a pear tree.I was behind some evergreens when they split up and jaunted off after they whiffed me at 10yds.I paused and thought how glad I am that I no longer smoke.I see more game and can get closer.Being a big man I've learned to be quiet and look lots and step light.
I walked past the pear tree looked at a new small scrape and eezed into the dark,quiet tall pine area.These pines are maybe 40' and equally spaced.Kinda cathedral like.My camo matches the trees and my mask is a real good one.I catch these two hotties off my left shoulder making a comeback to the pear tree.They are coming slow but deliberately looking up and down but can't see me.Safety off,body still I lean on a tree to steady the shot and wait.
They stop as if looking both ways like kids crossing the street.I see a nose and then twitching ears and locate the red dot on the first ones left shoulder.My mind saying DON'T SHOOT your gonna hit her and my mind is also saying shoot,shoot she's 150 pounds of DELICIOUS and you got blanked last year."Thung"goes the string and limbs as I watch an orange fletch hunting for hair and blood,time slows in car wrecks and archery hunting.The does wheeled, the front one slips on the thick needle carpet and I hear the tinkle of my bolt as a dead evergreen catches it a long ways down the trail.
I pause and add things up,if I heard the bolt hit a bush 150 yds away I missed the deer.I just walked straight and eventually saw the orange of my fletch three feet up in an evergreen.Retrieved it and lloked for blood and hair and found none,just over the shoulder as I thought.After moving out of the immediate area I peeled a wild pear ate it and thanked the Spirit for the fun and excitment.
(to be continued)