Anything that alters the vibratory patterns of the barrel at firing will likely affect the accuracy one way or the other. Otherwise the Browning Boss systems would have no effect of accuray, and they do... Will a pressure pad help,., that's hard to say, like determining the accuracy of a rifle by looking at it. The old english and continental makers full length bedded barrels to dampen vibrations for it's entire length. Remington built a very enviable reputation for accuracy by building a pressure pad on each and every rifle.. Today some people remove the pressure pad and route out the channel to float the barrel, even before test firing! The only way to really know is to try them.. I've found in my limited experience that pressure bedded barrels tend to shoot better overall. Floated barrels stay put better,especially if a a tight sling is used or the weather is less than consistant.. Full length bedded barrels stay where they're put but if done is all wood, weather(moisture) can be a factor. I built a 300WinMag on an Enfield action(1917). It was completed in the mid 70's. It has not changed zero more than a click or 2 in the intervening years, except for the one change I made to it's load.. I use it every couple of years and it is nearly always on the money. The barrel is completely bedded full length(action too) in bedding compound. If I'm not mistaken it was Herters brand..kinda dates things a bit,,huh?