Well, that is why I say ask around, a bunch of us have built up data over the years and have shelves of books on various loads and ballistics. Which 22-6mm do you need data for, I likely have it on the shelf. If I even had the time to sleep I'd get to work a bit faster on the sub-caliber page, right now it is under destruction. I plan to begin with an overview of the various subs and post general data and if more specific data is needed then folks can shoot me an e-mail so we can talk a bit and see what they are trying to do. I'm still shaking my head over the fella' that wanted us to work up a load for the 22-.300 R.U.M., not the little short WSM, but the full on Ultra Mag case. He basicly wanted to lob a hunk of "who cares" as fast as possible to wow and amaze his friends. Not a target shooter, not a hunter to speak of, "...I'll use my .30-30 for the deer, this is just to play with", not a varmint hunter. Each to his own I guess.