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Offline dave hall

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Nitro Express Videos
« on: October 15, 2006, 11:35:36 PM »
Last week I got my first Mark Sullivan video.The new one for this year Death Rush.I never got to see one before,but the first 10 min. into the video I was hooked I want them all now.So I ordered the next on the day after Death by the Ton.This dvd was just as good not as many charges,but just as good.If you like the big 6 and big bore rifles.Lots of  unbeleavable Hippo and buffalo charges.I thought maybe someone in this forum might want to know if they were any good,Dave.
NEF Handi SB2  .45-120 Sharps.
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Offline JJHACK

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Re: Nitro Express Videos
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2006, 09:49:57 AM »
There are not a lot (if any) people who generate more controversy then this guy. He seems to be a cross between Peter Capsticks adventure writing style, and the corcodile hunters flair for the camera and dangerous stunts.

He's been either tossed out of,  or banned from the SCI conventions for some of the video footage he has sold. It's been in some what bad taste and likely generated by following less then ethical practices. I read a lot about this fella over the years, although I've never met him. He sounds like an amazingly clever marketeer and does the same thing to keep the Safari industry fired up that Peter Capstick did.

From What I have seen in the few videos I've watched I was left with a bad taste in my mouth from a few of the filmed events. However many others were outstanding. So like anything else in life there has to be a comprimise with the videos. I'll say this, If I add up all the charges from all the PH's I have ever known,.... We all combined have not had 1/2 of what this guy has filmed of his own charge sequences. The criticizem that he provokes wounded animals to charge him seems very far fetched on the surface...............But!..........How does one guy get charged this many times?

I've watched a few video's where he has walked up on a wounded buffalo and made a commet like I'll let him choose how he wants to die, or something to that effect. Most PH's will see it's alive and shoot it broadside, or rather have the client shoot it again.

Speaking of which I have also never in my life seen a PH shoot so many animals for his hunters. He seems to finish off an amazing amount of game for his hunters. Maybe there is an agreement ahead of time with the client that if he gets to make the finishing shot the client can be in the next video?

Bottm line is that the videos' are entertaining, but unrealistic where a normal or expected safari conditions are concerned. He has what must be a team of shooters behind him also. I've seen a clean slow motion miss by his rifle and the hippo hit the dirt with a solid thump right at his feet. If you get the chance to watch this, I'm still wondering where that shot came from.  The Hippo was maybe 10 feet away coming full speed ahead, and when Sullivan shoots there is no reation at all with a plume uf dust showing a clean miss, the next gun shot hit the bull square in the head. It came from off camera and cleanly hits that bull in the forehead. He never makes mention of his miss, making it seem like business as usual, but when you watch the video it's clear as can be somebody off camera saved his bacon on that situation!

Offline dave hall

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Re: Nitro Express Videos
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2006, 03:43:08 PM »
Hi JJ,
I know these videos are mostly for entertainmemt.I do love the big rifles and to see the game.I have Boddington on Buffalo and his P.H. is Andrew Dawson and he always says how limited you are with a double.On these vidoes you see them mostly Mark shooting way off.From what I've always read most doubles are regulated out to 50-60 yds.seems like he's shooting a little bit beyond that.I've told my wife before when we were watching these it seem like the client pays for him to hunt.He always shoots more times than the other guy.If i've ever seen an adrenalin junkie Marks it.I would love to go on safari sumeday,but dropping a 2 ton Hippo at my feet is a little to much.I'm not sure what Hippo hunt your talking about if you know what video its on I'll watch it.Did you see the one on Death by the Ton where the Hippo comes out of the creek and chrages.It gets about 10 feet or so and the client shoots it,and Mark looks at him and says I wanted you to wait.This guy's shaken and can't catch his breath an he's tells him something like that.Some times the things he says is kind of cartoonish.
  I've never read any of capsticks stuff I might have to get one of his books some day.Any good Safari books you would consitter good reading.You were saying about someone backing him up I thought that to with the way some of his clients act around these animals.He's not going to put his life in there hands.Then again, he wouldn't have to if he played it safe like you should for yourself and the people you have with you.Thanks for the reply,Dave.
NEF Handi SB2  .45-120 Sharps.
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Offline K.K

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Re: Nitro Express Videos
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2006, 02:24:10 PM »

I have watched the videos myself, and find them entertaining for the most part.  I am not sure I'd want this guy for my bwana, though.  If I wounded and animal, I would welcome some back-up from the PH both to humanely put the animal down, and to avoid a potentially deadly charge that could kill or maim the PH, the trackers, or me!  It seems like he may be taking unecessary risks for a cool video, more so, I think that he is risking the necks of his clients.  Am I off base on this?

Offline dave hall

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Re: Nitro Express Videos
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2006, 02:49:00 PM »
 I'm not a PH.I don't think your off base.This guy is so stuck on himself it ain't funny.I've never seen a hunting video where the Guide or P.H. laughs about a guy being that scared,or doing something wrong.On one of his hunts the guy barrows one of his doubles and when shooting at a buffalo he keeps pulling on the FRONT trigger.Marks telling him to shoot over and over.After the buffalo run off to die.This gives Mark a laugh.But I guess thinking about it the redneck should have had a gun he was used to.This is why I think he has BACK-UP.This guy didn't know to pull the back trigger for the 2nd shot :o.I could talk about this all day,but I'll make comments as they come,Dave.

Never go into battle with an unproven redneck. ;)
NEF Handi SB2  .45-120 Sharps.
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Re: Nitro Express Videos
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2006, 11:45:34 AM »
which nitro gun does Mark use ? 600 or 700 nitro ?

Offline dave hall

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Re: Nitro Express Videos
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2006, 06:04:27 AM »
nasem in the 2 dvds I have which are the to newest ones. Mark uses a .577 N.E. made by Charles Osborn in England in I think he says 1912 or it might be in the 20's.Anyway it's old.The other rifles that are used on there by the clients are 416 Rigby-375 H&H-450 NE in an Army Navy-475 #2
500 NE-416 Rem.-425 Westley Richards,and another 577 NE..Dave.
NEF Handi SB2  .45-120 Sharps.
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Offline Demonical

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Re: Nitro Express Videos
« Reply #7 on: October 26, 2006, 10:44:47 AM »
I have a bunch of these DVDs and I love watching them. I am very aware these are not realistic hunting situations. One of the things I know that Sullivan does to set up these charges is that he pretty much only uses solids and I know he encourages his clients to use solids. So a buffalo that takes 3, 4 (or even more) of these will run off, mortally wounded. Then Sullivan and the clients approach the animal until they enter that zone where the animal is compelled to either run or fight.
They have an animal that is going to charge probably 85% of the time and the advantage that it already has a bunch of LARGE CAL bullet holes through it si it is not capable of coming at full speed.
I agree with anyone that says this in not ethical. The buffalo should be dispatched as quickly and as humanely as possible. So as soon as they come upon a wounded buff' they ought to immediately begin shooting, rather then provoke the charge.

BUT I will disagree with anyone that says this is not dangerous! Even though the buff' is mortally wounded it is still absolutely deadly if Sullivan misses. And the way the head of the animals bob up and down as it is running in some of these situations makes it no easy target. Sullivan has enormous cajones, no doubt. Would I do what he does? I don't think so!!

I have seen pretty much every video many times and I have never seen Sullivan miss or any bullet come from behind him to save his butt. I would be curious to know what video you claim to have seen this J.J.

Finally I know of a guy a guy who hunted with Sullivan and he said that it was a first class effort in every regard. He had nothing but praise for Sullivan, his men, the area etc...

Offline dave hall

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Re: Nitro Express Videos
« Reply #8 on: October 26, 2006, 03:33:16 PM »
The only thing I've ever say is on the trailer for Death on the run,the dvd I have on the way.The big bull on the front cover when he charges it looks like the dirt flys on Marks left out in front of him.I think the clients on his right.Looks like when that bull drops its close.I can't beleave how wide that bulls shoulders are.I can't wait to see it.I'll have 3 of his dvd's after I get this one.I want them all and the book.He has turn being BALLZY in to a career.He must have a lot of doubles,because you can use one if you hunt with him.Wonder if he charge extra for that,and who pays for the ammo. :D.Dave.

Demonical what is your favorite dvd or hunt.
NEF Handi SB2  .45-120 Sharps.
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Offline Demonical

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Re: Nitro Express Videos
« Reply #9 on: November 12, 2006, 08:39:07 AM »
The only thing I've ever say is on the trailer for Death on the run,the dvd I have on the way.The big bull on the front cover when he charges it looks like the dirt flys on Marks left out in front of him.I think the clients on his right.Looks like when that bull drops its close.I can't beleave how wide that bulls shoulders are.I can't wait to see it.I'll have 3 of his dvd's after I get this one.I want them all and the book.He has turn being BALLZY in to a career.He must have a lot of doubles,because you can use one if you hunt with him.Wonder if he charge extra for that,and who pays for the ammo. :D.Dave.

Demonical what is your favorite dvd or hunt.

I think Death at My Feet.

Offline dave hall

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Re: Nitro Express Videos
« Reply #10 on: November 13, 2006, 05:08:12 AM »
I got my Death on the Run.It had more Big Cat hunting on it then my other 2.A good dvd just the same.I was thinking of which one to get next.That one will be my next one.Thanks Dave.
NEF Handi SB2  .45-120 Sharps.
Stoeger Coachgun 20 Ga.
Ruger  SP101 4.2"  .357 Mag.
Rossi Ranch Hand (Mares Leg) 45 LC