My first was 28 years ago, I was 16, it was the first day of archery season in NY. This is the first time I've gone big game hunting where I was actually hunting and not watching my dad. It was 7:30 am and my buddy and I are walking down a logging road, whispering and not really hunting. All of a sudden an 8 pointer walks across the road 30 yards in front of us. We both drew our bows and I let my arrow fly first. I got him with a perfect shot! Now I was using a Blackhawk 50lb compound. It was a beautiful bow, laminated wood, no sights, shooting fingers and fiberglass arrows. Now 28 years later I get my 2nd deer with a bow. Back then I said, "what's so hard about this, guys?" Now I know. That first one was all luck or God or whatever. They don't come easy.
Hope you have many more stories to share about hunting!