just thought i'd stray a bit from which caliber is better and thought i'd open up a discussion on a topic hopefully, soon, near and dear to my heart. bear hunting with a handgun, or better yet, backing up my bow with a handgun (though a guide would be present i'm sure). anyway, i just got mark's two latest videos and i'd rather not discuss whether we like his style or not, though i do, but some of the truth's evident in them. his dvd where he talks about shots, stopping game, etc. was very very good. very eye opening. i opened a guns and ammo i had gotten a while back where they asked a bunch of the "gun writers" on shot placement on different animals. of course, the charging cape buff shot came up and sure enough a bunch weighed in with what mark proved to be false in his video. he goes from clip of the charge to explaining what and where he shot. it was most illuminating. the bottomline i got from them is that obviously most of these writers certainly haven't done what they said they did or they'd be dead.
now how's this apply to me or anyone else that might square off with a large bear. first, no matter whether it's a lever action .45/70, a .375 H&H, or a .44 mag. you aren't gonna stop one charging unless you either 1) hit the brain or 2) get lucky and turn the charge. bears are known for turning more so than the dangerous african game but seems to me that you're not gonna stop a buff with a shot to the chest, head, but only the brain. it doesn't take much to penetrate to that brain and wouldn't matter whether you were using a .454, a .500, or a .41 with some good hardcast bullets. so i realized i need to be better with my pistols and i went to the range with the .454's and the ruger single six and made immense progress on my shooting in just one day using my regiment. anyway, i just thought i'd throw out the question of how big is big enough and does it really matter what's the back up, be it a rifle or a pistol if you can't hit the cns system. i think a rifle like a guide gun is better b/c most will shoot with it better, but i'd imagine you'd give up nothing with a .44 mag and garretts if you can HIT THE BRAIN. chest shot aint gonna cut with anything on a charge.
comments please.