Marsh-- You might want to think twice about drilling and tapping your BPCR to mount that Unertl. In the first place, that particular scope is not legal for NRA BPCR competition if you want to shoot it in an approved or sanctioned match. In the second place, your rifle will probably shoot as well with a good set of irons as it will with the scope. I've seen about four different guys mount a good scope and find that their groups stayed about the same, with and without. In the third place--and here's the real kicker--if you DO get the rifle shooting lights out with the scope, the load ain't gonna shoot in the rifle when you take the scope off. The scope alters the barrel harmonics so drastically that it is a different ballgame without it. :roll:
On the other hand, if you truly have a vision problem and simply must use optics to shoot, go for it. Just don't expect your rifle to be significantly more accurate than a good set of irons, and realize that the rifle/load combo is scope dedicated. Shoot straight, rdnck.