Author Topic: 45 long colt data needed  (Read 1440 times)

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Offline Sharps-Nut

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45 long colt data needed
« on: March 20, 2003, 04:28:18 AM »
I have a ruger blackhawk 45 lc and need some loading data.  My books don't list hodgon universal and I have been told it is a wonderful long colt propellent.  I have been fighting leading problems withis gun at all velocities with bullseye and unique at loadings of 800 fps.  I got rid of the 255 grain swc boughten bullets and cast some 200 swc out of wheel weights.  I  was wondering if someone would be willing to share the starting load info for universal.  My freeby manual show max at 8.8 but I want the min.  even reduced the 10% that is stil 7.9.  Any help or thought on the leading and or a better load to reduce the leading would be appreciated.  The bullets are lubed with lyman moly and were cast from a lyman 200 grain semiwad cutter mold.  Help please.

Offline securitysix

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45 long colt data needed
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2003, 05:13:58 AM »

Offline tominboise

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45 long colt data needed
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2003, 05:34:15 AM »
You might try going heavier (higher velocity) loading.  Too low and the bullets won't obdurate enough to seal the bore against powder gases.  Also, check the throat diameter on your cylinder.  Too small, and the bullets get swaged undersize for the bore diameter.  You should be able to press the bullets thru the cylinder throat with your thumb.

HTH, Tom


Offline Charlie Detroit

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45 long colt data needed
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2003, 05:52:58 AM »
Those are NOT the starting loads, at least that's what my little Hodgdon pamphlet says.
I'll give you the starting loads for several bullets, followed by the max loads...I'll give velocities for both, but no pressure figures. I notice that when this stuff gets transferred to the actual posts, sometimes the type dets a little disarranged, so I'll give the bullet first, starting grains, velocity, max grains, velocity,next bullet, etc.
160-165 gr. Pb RNFP: 6.5gr, 798f/s...9.5gr, 1197f/s.
180 gr. Pb RNFP: 6.5gr, 791f/s...9.2gr, 1161f/s.
200 gr. Pb RNFP: 6.4gr, 749f/s...8.8gr, 1067f/s.
215 gr. Pb RNFP: 6.8gr, 777f/s...8.6gr, 1001f/s.
225-230 gr. Pb RNFP: 6.5gr, 761f/s...8.1gr, 975f/s.
250 gr. Pb RNFP: 6.5gr, 787f/s...7.8gr, 941f/s.
That's as much as I have...
You might find that your leading problem is more due to the forcing cone needing work than your loads...hie thee to thy gunsmith and have him ream it out...mine leaded like crazy until I had my gunsmith do it for me; I would have done it myself (it's simple enough...just look at at the tool in Brownell's Catalogue if you don't believe me), but the tool costs more than having someone (who's already got the tool) do it for you. Made all the difference in the world.
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Offline 1badmagnum

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45 long colt data needed
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2003, 02:13:40 PM »

Offline Lloyd Smale

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45 long colt data needed
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2003, 12:30:19 AM »
in my RUGER i shoot 9.3 grains of universal clays with a 250 grain bullet mild recoil and very accurate.
blue lives matter

Offline Lone Yankee

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45 long colt data needed
« Reply #6 on: April 28, 2003, 04:01:50 AM »
My favorite loads are

190 gr Lyman cast WC bullet with 5.5 gr Bullseye
255 gr Lee rnfp bullet with 8 gr Unique.

They are very accurate.  The 190 gr load has very light recoil.

Doug Bowser

Southwest Gun Club
Home of Mississippi Regulators