Author Topic: 358 win  (Read 591 times)

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Offline joshua 35 whelen

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358 win
« on: November 25, 2006, 07:29:44 PM »
I have a custom 358 win with a shilen barrel on a ruger tang safety short action.  I had bought some factory ammo from winchester, some in the silver box, some in the white and red box.  I sighted it in on the white and red box and it had great groups, 1/2 inch at 100 and an 1inch at 200.  I cleaned the rifle with a good cleaning using the dewey coated rod and brass bore brushes from the action with a bore guide.  I did this cause during this trial I put about 30 rounds down range.  One of my patches came off the jag on one occasion and I had to use a hammer to tap the rod loose and remove the patch.  I have looked at the bore and notice no damage.  I went to the range Saturday and got 3 touching 3 inches high from right to left all in the 10 ring.  This was good cause this is how I sighted in to be dead on at 200.  Well at 200 I was low and to the right with not much grouping.  This said I used the newer silver box today and none of the red and white box cause I have 5 left in the red and white and that was the best sight in session I have had.  I need the rest of those for deer season because my reloading bench isn't set up yet.  The primers of the silver box winchesters are silver and the red and white are brass colored.  Was I not suppose to clean it good or do you think the ammo may be a little different.  I did use sweet's 7.62 to clean it with and followed the instructions.  I cleaned it again tonight and had the same problem with the jag running a hole through the patch and causing the rod to have to be worked forwards and backwards to be able to remove it.  The rod is coated with no signs of scratching.  Any help on this matter is appreciated.  I just wonder if the time difference on the ammo from winchester may be it but I tell you I was punching dead center at 200 with the red and white box.  If I remember right the silver box was a hair off on that session also.  I need to add also that one round out of this box was a dud, the primer was punched and nothing, I tried again and nothing happened.  I waited pulled the round out and brought it home to pull the bullet.  Could this have been a box with not so good primers?

Offline butterman

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Re: 358 win
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2006, 07:07:23 AM »
I had same problem with my 223 Rem. , the AR wouldn't accept the 1" square patch , had to use
sissors to go to 3/4" patches and then no problem just had to hunt to find  3/4" patches ,  the cleaning rod needs to be snug  but know hammer .  I don't know about your other problem it seems your post has some missing part??   I would run down to the sore and grab up some more red & white ammo !