I must have done something right in a passed life!! Sat. 13 Jan, I went to one of my favorite hunting spots and low and behold a beautiful 180lbs, 10pt came strolling up to my stand. Got him at 30 yards and took him to the taxidermist!! Nice tall rack with a 16.25" inside spread and each side is nearly a mirror image of the other. Now that was a great weekend hunt. However, my son and I went back out this passed weekend and on 20 Jan, I was sitting in my all time favorite hunting spot when a 170lbs, 8pt with a 16.5" inside spread was distracted by a pretty little doe. He too came within 30 yards and I got him as well. Now, when I climbed down to go check him out I heard a shot from where my son was hunting. He ended up with a 155lbs, 8pt, a much smaller rack, but a nice healthy deer!! Father and son double 8's on the same morning, we were pretty happy to say the least!! I've got pix, if I can figure out how to put them on here I will!!!